2.48 app Beta Test 12/4/2023


  • Android: 2.48.0.b376

  • iOS: 2.48.0(3)

What’s New:

  • Added support for Flash Light with Siren in Wyze Cam Floodlight Pro Settings

  • Added support for the Playback button in the Event tab for Wyze Battery Cam Pro

  • Bug fixes


Anyone find this on app store yet?

Not yet. Sometimes it takes a bit for both Google and Apple to allow it in the store. I have seen it take up to 24 hours. So tomorrow it may be available.


Install is now available on iOS via TestFlight. Installed and started to test on iOS. So far seems to be working well.


Wow. Still no additional dark theme screens… Bummer. I love you, Wyze guys, but my eyes do not. :pleading_face: Hoping for a darker 2024.


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If they add new ones, they better be optional. I am still waiting for the standard light mode UI screens for the mandatory dark mode UI screens being forced on me. My eyesight in the dark is horrible. Dark Mode exacerbates this. Ships could navigate in dense fog by the light of my screen. I have so many bright lights in the house I am surprised I don’t smoke a breaker.


I can understand that being equally frustrating. Interesting how all of our sets of eyeballs are so different. I also have terrible night vision but mine seem to prefer the soothing (to my eyes) dark screens with lighter text. I love the vacuum UI screens that you probably hate! :slight_smile:
Yes, the app currently (as of August, 2023, I think) allows you to chose a light or dark them under Account-App Settings. Hopefully for, for both of us, choosing Light or Dark will one day apply to all UI screens, regardless of product.

I do miss my Android Pixel phone that allowed me to force dark mode in the entire app. Not so on iPhone/iOS.



Wow, I still don’t see it available on Android…

Yeah. Android is being pokey. No showing up on mine yet either.

Mine neither. I recall once it took about 3 days for it to appear. Not sure why so long.

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Wow, still not there for me, any other android folks see it?
For me, it is there right away, or only hour or so after the announcement.
Are you sure you submitted it? :slight_smile:
Maybe you thought you did, but got distracted…

I still haven’t gotten the beta update through the play store

Me neither.

@WyzeJasonJ , I know it takes time for Google to release the app, but is there any idea on how much longer?

I have received it on my iOS already

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And the recent past Android was fast and iOS just took hours to a day or so before it would arrive

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I have had issues with Android before. One of the times I removed the app from my phone then downloaded again. The updated app came down. But not planning on doing it this time. Not sure it will work the same way and I want to see how long it takes

Someone didn’t hit a button to deploy something… the Play store doesn’t take DAYS to propagate and release something. Hours yes… not days.

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I would tend to agree. However, a few of us have been slow rolled a release. Myself and @carverofchoice , I believe, have seen slowness on the App being available.

but normally it is relatively fast.

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While I have the floor… I will lament and say that I haven’t been excited for any updates in awhile. I think there definitely have been improvements in the overall experience (responsiveness, playback in cameras, event stuff, etc)… which I very much appreciate because at the end of the day, you want it to work, even if it can be clunky in how it works. But working is important.

I suppose I feel like it’s long overdue for an overhaul of the experience. The grouping of devices for example (change over to rooms/or containers instead of device types, add favorites for quick toggle, dark-mode) and the rule engine, are 2 major things I would like to see a change to.

But, I understand software development and what I’m proposing is a literal gutting and re-write of the code I was just praising in the first paragraph. I completely understand what I’m saying when I ask for this. As an I.T. person, I know that you can over-engineer yourself into a corner which is VERY hard to get out of… especially after you’ve worked so hard to get that clunky solution to work pretty well. And I don’t mean to be so dismissive to the app as a whole, because it is pretty good really. My critiques are more wants, not needs… I see no glaring error in the application that stops me from using the products.

I think they will get there. I just wish they would get on with it. Too slow for my tastes. But, I suppose when I have my own smart home company (I would call it Earlz), I can see that what I’m saying is bigger than I know.

P.S. The one thing I think Wyze has over EVERYBODY, is the rule engine (which is why I want them to work on it, make it COOLER!).

Once I got a thermostat (for profiles of Away, Home, Sleep) and the Geo-Fencing feature became reliable… It allowed me to use the profiles of the thermostat to create 3 scripts of how I want the house to be for those 3 profiles. Because I’m usually only 3 things at my house. Home, Away, or Sleeping. It really makes things nice.

My house automatically turns everything off/down/locks/notifications or whatever when I leave. The door unlocks when I get home, the thermostat turns up, the lights turn on, … Night-time… same thing. And ALL the products work in syncopation to this engine. When I show people what I can do with it, they didn’t know all that was possible. I don’t use Google or Alexa but I’ve seen how other folks wedge some things in and I think that is clever… But it goes back to the over-engineered spider-web of stuff I mentioned above. All the same. I love it and I want more!


I know what you are saying. If you have a Discord Account, wyze provided a video of more Dark Mode will be coming:

Looks good and something I know a lot of individuals are looking for.

I would really love for Wyze to update the T-Stat to allow the Main T-Stat to be treated as a sensor and be able to remove it from the formula when calculating the temp. Similar to how Ecobee does it.


Are there plans to enable activating the spotlight on the Battery Cam Pro with Rules like it can be done on other cameras with spotlights?