Wyze Wi-Fi Chime - New sound suggestions/requests [POLL]


On the new WiFi Chime that originally first came with the Duo Cam Doorbell, there are currently 24 sounds available.

Expand this for a list of sounds available at launch
  • Modern Tunes
    • Space Wave
    • Curiosity
    • Surprise
    • Tiny Pluck
    • Intruder Alarm
    • Tiny Pluck Arpeggio
    • Happy Share
  • Classic Sounds
    • Simple Doorbell
    • Antique Doorbell
    • Classic Doorbell
    • Reverb Doorbell
    • Deilicate Bell
    • Clear Doorbell
    • Escalating Doorbell
  • Animal
    • Bird Chirp
    • Dog Bark
    • Dog Bark 2
  • Door Sound
    • Door Close
    • Door Open
  • Christmas Sound
    • Oh Tannenbaum
    • Silent Night
    • Santa Is Coming To Town
    • We Wish You A Merry Christmas
    • Jingle Bell Rock

In the Reddit AMA event on 10/25/24, regarding sounds for this chime, Wyze said:

Yes, it could potentially become possible to play customized sounds however, we do not have a current plan to implement that for now.

[Text to Speech] is a great idea, and we evaluated it seriously. However, no plan for now. Thanks.

Theoretically, it would be able to work with all Wyze WiFi devices in the future, but that feature is not available at this time. Thanks

Yes, the Wifi chime will be used with HMS, as soon as we have enough inventory.

We can consider adding more [sounds to the WiFi Chime] if there is enough interest in that.

This Wishlist is to do exactly that: see how much interest there is in adding new sound options. Please vote above on the vote button as well as voting in the polls below.

(Note polls are limited to 20 options each, so this is being split up)


Which Sounds Would You Like Wyze to Add to the WiFi Chime?
  • Custom Sounds (uploadable)
  • Text to Speech (TTS) - for countless custom options
  • Cat Meow (for Pet detections of cat owners)
  • Cat Hiss (various uses)
  • Cat Purring
  • Parcel Dropping sound (Package detection)
  • Package” voice sound
  • You’ve got Mail!” sound
  • Delivery truck sound (Package detection)
  • No soliciting” Sound
  • Classic Phone ringing sound
  • Rustling Leaves sound - (motion detection)
  • Whoosh sound (subtle indication of movement)
  • Gentle Chime or Bell
  • Gong Sound
  • Buzzer or denied sound (such as from game shows)
  • Knock Sound (Person Detected)
  • Welcome” Sound (person/doorbell pressed)
  • Footsteps Approaching sound - (Person detected)
0 voters


Which Sounds Would You Like Wyze to Add to the WiFi Chime?
  • More Short Single Note Sounds (or short sounds) instead of all Longer Sounds.
  • Jungle Ambience
  • Nature Sounds
  • Car Engine Revving - (Vehicle Detection)
  • Car Horn - (Vehicle Detection)
  • Car Alarm Sound
  • Halloween theme (spooky and fun)
  • Thanksgiving theme (Gobble, other theme sounds)
  • New Years theme (Auld Lang Syne, party horns, and countdown chimes)
  • Valentine’s Day theme (romantic, kissing sound, heartbeat)
  • Independence Day theme (Fireworks, Bald Eagle Cry, Star Spangled Banner)
  • Easter theme (Bunny Hop, Chick Chirping, other)
  • St. Patricks Day theme (Irish Jigs, Leprechaun laughter, “Cheers!”)
  • Cinco de Mayo theme (Mariachi music, festive Mexican Hat Dance Tune, etc)
  • Other Theme or Holiday: List specific preferences in comments below.
  • HMS Entry delay and Exit delay sound (when it supports the HMS)
  • Other → not included in the above options, see list, other poll, or comment below
0 voters

How Wyze can get the above sounds at no cost

Note that many of the above requests can be found free of licensing or copyright requirements at places such as soundbible.com or Freesound.org or a creative commons search across various platforms like Flickr, SoundCloud, and Youtube for any content with Creative Commons licenses that allow commercial use (e.g, CC BY). There are also Royalty-Free Sound Libraries such as Pixabay, ZapSplat, Uppbeat. Or Wyze could create their own In-House. But this should be VERY FEASIBLE to add more sounds, assuming the chime has sufficient storage available.

Sorry if I left out anything others may think is obvious or important. If you have other suggestions not included in the first polls, please enter a comment below with the other options and we can add them to a list of other suggestions and potentially add them into another poll as well (the initial polls can’t be edited but we can add more later if there is sufficient interest in other options too).

(Reserving comment 2 just in case I need to use it to store a list of all suggestions without making post 1 too “noisey”)


What about :frog:'s diving horn sound?


Don’t forget…



I should’ve included a Rooster crowing sound. I hate roosters :rooster:

This would work well if you use “Schedules” for the doorbell. For example, I might consider using a rooster crowing sound if a person is detected in the early morning, then have a different sound for the same thing during the daytime and a third one in the evening/night time. That’s kind of a cool idea. In that sense I would totally use a rooster crowing!

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