Just bought a doorbell pro, it will be here tomorrow and I am wondering if there is different chime options available depending on the home / away setting? If I’m home, it will do the normal ding dong, if I’m away, and a solicitor ignores the no soliciting sign and rings my doorbell anyway - it would be nice if there was the sound of dogs barking instead of the regular ding dong of a doorbell. Is that an option or maybe could it be an option in a future update? It would be a great security feature for those of us that don’t have dogs but want to make it sound like we do…
Welcome to the Forum, @dzldiva!
I don’t have the Video Doorbell Pro, so I can’t speak directly to its out-of-the-box capabilities, but since you asked about future updates the thing that comes to mind is the Wi-Fi Chime that was introduced when Duo Cam Doorbell was launched in October and is supposed to be available as a separate accessory at some point since it’s able to work with other Wyze cameras (including doorbells). I don’t have an ETA on availability, but I mention it because apparently it has two different dog barking sounds available:
That is good to know! Having a realistic sounding dog barking noise when the cameras are set to away would be a great deterrent for would be trespassers. I will have to keep an eye out on that!
I don’t have any personal experience with Wi-Fi Chime or any insight about when they’ll offer that as a separate accessory. Around the time of launch, they were saying maybe December if everything worked out, but that’s come and gone, so who knows?
On the other hand, the Chime Controller (that comes with Video Doorbell v2 and also works with Duo Cam Doorbell for allowing the doorbells to work with a home’s built-in chime) was unavailable as a separate accessory until it recently showed up in the Web shop, so there may be cause for optimism.
If you have something like a Google Home/Nest smart speaker and a Wyze Plug, then I imagine it might also be possible to DIY something right now with Wyze app Automations and a Google Home Routine. I guess what I’d be concerned about most is the loudness of any speaker in question and its ability to reliably replicate something that would sound like a real dog from the other side of a door.