Is there different chime options for doorbell pro?

Just bought a doorbell pro, it will be here tomorrow and I am wondering if there is different chime options available depending on the home / away setting? If I’m home, it will do the normal ding dong, if I’m away, and a solicitor ignores the no soliciting sign and rings my doorbell anyway - it would be nice if there was the sound of dogs barking instead of the regular ding dong of a doorbell. Is that an option or maybe could it be an option in a future update? It would be a great security feature for those of us that don’t have dogs but want to make it sound like we do…

Welcome to the Forum, @dzldiva! :wave:

I don’t have the Video Doorbell Pro, so I can’t speak directly to its out-of-the-box capabilities, but since you asked about future updates the thing that comes to mind is the Wi-Fi Chime that was introduced when Duo Cam Doorbell was launched in October and is supposed to be available as a separate accessory at some point since it’s able to work with other Wyze cameras (including doorbells). I don’t have an ETA on availability, but I mention it because apparently it has two different dog barking sounds available:

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That is good to know! Having a realistic sounding dog barking noise when the cameras are set to away would be a great deterrent for would be trespassers. I will have to keep an eye out on that!

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I don’t have any personal experience with Wi-Fi Chime or any insight about when they’ll offer that as a separate accessory. Around the time of launch, they were saying maybe December if everything worked out, but that’s come and gone, so who knows? :man_shrugging:

On the other hand, the Chime Controller (that comes with Video Doorbell v2 and also works with Duo Cam Doorbell for allowing the doorbells to work with a home’s built-in chime) was unavailable as a separate accessory until it recently showed up in the Web shop, so there may be cause for optimism. :crossed_fingers:

If you have something like a Google Home/Nest smart speaker and a Wyze Plug, then I imagine it might also be possible to DIY something right now with Wyze app Automations and a Google Home Routine. I guess what I’d be concerned about most is the loudness of any speaker in question and its ability to reliably replicate something that would sound like a real dog from the other side of a door.