Wyze V4 vs V3 Pro Cameras

This is misleading. No way your V3 Pro looks like this without you taking a screenshot that was at lower resolution. You can also tell by looking at the WYZE logo and the date stamp, those would have been similar.
Should drop a small sample video link for everyone to download.

I promise you I have better things to do with my time than to try to convince skeptics. That said, sounds like the perfect opportunity for you to buy your own v4 and v3 Pro and post your comparison video; made just the way you like it.

Most people post things in forums to try to be helpful to others. This was an attempt at that; visuals go a long ways. If you think I’m posting edited or misleading screenshots, you’re entitled to that opinion, but it clearly shows you don’t own a V3 Pro nor a V4.

My none pro v3 has better quality than your v3 pro. Is that enough to raise eyebrows?

I just received new V4 cams, and I compared them to a V3 Pro that I just got a week ago, so they are both brand new, and both have perfectly clear lenses. This is a still shot taken inside the app from my front door using the V3 Pro at 2K.


This is a still shot taken inside the app from my front door using the V4 at 2K.

I loaded them both on my 27" screen and zoomed in about 3X on each one. I alt-tabbed back and forth between them so it is a direct comparison on the same screen with the same brightness. I repeated the same test from my back door with a darker setting.

I can confirm that there is no noticeable difference in quality (pixelation) between the V3 Pro and then V4. The V4 does have slightly better (or at least brighter) colors.

There is also no difference between the HD and the 2K settings because every time I saved still shots using HD and 2K, they always got saved as 2560x1440. But when I save a still shot while viewing in 360p, the pictures saved are always 640x360.


I also wanted to let everyone know that even though I noticed no quality difference between the V3 Pro and the V4, I did notice that the V4 booted up and connected much quicker than the V3 Pro does when I first plug the cameras in, and when I try to view them in Live Playback. I think the audio from the speaker on the camera is a little bit louder as well. In my opinion, if you already have a V3 Pro, there’s not much reason to replace them with V4s. But if you’re going to buy a new camera, I don’t know any reason not to get the V4 over the V3 Pro. The V4 is cheaper, and seems to offer the same quality. The only actual negative thing I know about the V4 is that it only has 25% of the onboard RAM that the V3 Pro does, but if that is a negative effect on the camera’s performance, I’m not seeing it.


I have both the V3 Pro and a V4 and like them both I like to color better on the V4. But they both suck at night when exposed to a bright lights like when my motion sensing lights come on or headlights. They both darken the the background view really fast when night vision is off (Color). That is one reason I never used the spot light on the V3 Pro or the V4, I have plenty of ambient light to see the street and my driveway.

Yes it is, and I’m quite glad you brought it up because it made me do some troubleshooting only to find out that my settings were set to 360p on the V3pro when I took the screenshot.

An apology is due. Apologies and thanks!

I do now agree that the differences are not as pronounced as I had initially thought except for the fact the V4 has a warmer tone.


First day I sent up the V4 forgot to turn off the spotlight and the motion tagging. :face_with_raised_eyebrow

So in conclusion, wyze compression rate has destroyed their new toy?

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Not any more than any of the other cameras, and it actually appears to have less compression than previous versions like the V3Pro since it is easier to read some license plates, etc, indicating the compression might be improved in some circumstances. However, there is still definitely a lot more compression than most of us would like to see. They had some encouraging responses about considering compression and bitrate improvements in the recent AMA though. This is a big change from past responses that were previously mostly a flat “no.”

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That’s the nature of the beast (beast=starlight).

Does the V4 have time lapse?

Yes it has time lapse, you have to scroll over to the right side:

I really like the price of the V4, and definitely will not buy more V3 cameras if the price stays close to what it is now (I have 2 brand new V3s in the box for spares). I probably will not replace the V3 Pros I have with V4s. I will hold out for the V4 Pro camera.

I know lots of folks love the new playback interface on the V3 Pro, but I prefer the old V3 playback screen layout. It is so much easier for me to view recorded SD card footage using the V3 interface. I have tried to get used to the new interface, hoping it would grow on me, but I struggle.

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I would keep your spare V3 cams in the box until the issue of not being able to view playback from the events page is fixed. :grin: :grin:

I’m quite neutral on either new or old interface. But the one thing I miss on the new, is the ability to jump to the next/previous event. As it is, I have to scroll and I overshoot the next/previous event.

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I have been watching that issue Antonius! It seems to affect the newer V3 installs. Wonder if it affects old stock V3 or just any V3 that freshly registers with the service?

I got two V3 cams recently. I set the first up in February and had to update the firmware six (6) times to get to current .8391 and that camera works just fine. I got the second camera and set it up mid-March and had to update the firmware four times to get to .8391, that is the one that has the issue of no playback of the SD from the events page, playback from live view works. I have no idea of what is going on. I am using iOS and all cams are on Cam Plus unlimited. Roll the dice I guess?
I set up a new V4 last week and that works just fine doing playback of SD from the events page and from live view.

Has anyone had a chance to test if the V4 cameras still record to microSD after 30 min of internet access is lost? The V3 and the V3 Pro don’t have this problem.

The OG was first reported not to record after 30 minute of internet access is lost, but later on it was confirmed by Wyze that it still records with some caveats.