Wyze V3 Cameras - What are the Impressions on improved reliability and performance (over theV2)?

Yes… and all that is WAY more than I’m willing to spend on a $25 camera. Buyer beware is the motto for Wyze for their camera. But good thing they have diversed into idiotic things as a watch and vacuum cleaner

You can create a new “schedule” routine in the Wyze app for it to restart…


That’s a bit peculiar and weird… I wonder if it has some sort of unpublished sleep mode (not necessarily the cooldown) to reduce energy consumption…

Right?! (A lot of time equity put into the constant troubleshooting…)

I hear that!

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i pre-ordered 11 V3s and am testing my first batch of 7 that were delivered last week.
i have 6 V3’s now running on google mesh and 1 refuses to stay online. just hangs on “3/3 getting video” it’s sitting on a countertop next to 2 other V3’s that have zero issue! all within 20 feet of mesh node and show full signal strength. I’ve hard reset the problem cam 3 times. zero luck

the 7th V3 is running on another network at an entry to an HOA and it constantly loses connection. I’ve hard reset that one 3 times with no luck and plan to replace that camera with a V3 that stays connected.

prior to V3’s I had all V2’s and only had one camera that would experience intermittent connectivity issues. maybe had to power cycle the cam 2 or 3 times in one year.

not too impressed that 2/7 won’t remain connected.
nearly 30% of my units malfunction. i can only imagine what this could mean to Wyze IF my QC experience is systemic.

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I 1,000% hear you !! Totally unacceptable. and Totally unacceptable that we all are spending HOURS on troubleshooting Wyze’s poor code and hardware!!

We all know it has NOTHING do with our home WIFI. The fact you have 7 and some on different wifi hardware proves that. We have all proven this.

I did set a schedule on my V3 to restart every hour starting at 12:01AM - 7am each day. What a crock of s**t Wyze quality has turned into. But I guess for $25, you get what you pay for. But hey! We can buy a vacuum cleaner and an idiotic smart watch from them!

i am not a software or hardware engineer but i suspect the 2 bad cams i received are hardware related. how much money can the mfg be making at $20 retail? i suspect the QC on the assembly / parts production just allows for a certain % to not make the grade.

my 2 problematic cams…they seem to handle the setup process fine, but hang on 3/3 getting video. my guess at this point is faulty antennae/wifi chip or poor soldering or perhaps its all one circuit board that fails?

the 2/7 runts of the litter will be returned. i’m definitely testing the v3s inside for a few days before installing them outside in the cold and snow.


Following up on this… mine randomly has connection issues lately, however its gone from the camera going offline (error 90) to now it seems as though it does not connect to the cloud. And it seems to happen with mine at night. I can click on the camera, it will not bring up the live feed, but i can click the gear and get to all the settings etc. This has happened 3 days in a row. So i am wondering if its a cloud connection issue. The odd thing is the camera has recorded clips. But when i try to view the clip i get and error code 06. Anybody else get this? But I am really, really disappointed in this camera. And i have 2 more of these i am still waiting for. The 3 other V2’s i have are all solid. No issues at all. This V3 is great when it works. But right now it totally sucks. And i really hope Wyze steps up and fixes this problem.

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update. after some needless back and forth with support, they finally gave me an RMA.
returned the 2 out of 7 problematic cams. still waiting to hear about the credit days later, which sure ain’t Amazon! currently, all remaining 5 V3’s are stable.

new batch of 4 V3’s arrived and began testing immediately before deploying to other homes in the HOA (for snow plow operators). 3/4 of this batch set up fine. 4th hung on setup. another power/setup cycle seemed cure the setup. but why the hang? i was setting up all 4 in a row at the same desk. All 4 seemed stable for a day or two in a room next a google mesh node. after a few days, i moved all 4 to a part of the house furthest away from a node. the next morning, 1 of 4 lost connection and failed to connect. when relocating it closer to mesh node a power cycle did nothing, it wouldn’t connect (hanging on 3/3 getting video data). another power/setup cycle reset it successfully. this time the setup QR code scanned quickly… i don’t know if the buggy cam was the 4th cam earlier hanging on QR code setup. i’ve deployed the cams to other homes and will continue to monitor their stability. we rarely had any issue with the V2’s connectivity in outdoor bird houses and/or tucked under eaves. i sure hope the v3 stability will improve with firmware updates. my gut still says it’s a hardware wifi antenna issue, but the hanging on scanning QR code during setup makes me wonder.

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I had network connectivity issues with two of the v3 cams. I opened a support case with WYZE and after several back and forth email/chats I sent them the email below.

After updating the firmware and troubleshooting for several hours I believe there is a basic network connectivity defect with the v3 cameras. There are others reporting the same issue on the WYZE community site (search for “v3 network”)

To support my conclusion I performed the following.

  1. placed the v3 camera inside the house to within 10 feet of my wireless router and it worked perfectly
  2. then placed the cam in the same location of an outside working v2 camera and the v3 could not connect to the network
  3. unplugged the outside v2 to rule out radio interference and the outside v3 would still not connect
  4. purchased a $30 WavLink network extender and placed it within 20 feet of the outside v3 cam, but still no connection (the only structure between the WavLink and outside v3 cam was the glass window)
  5. Moved the WavLink network extender 6 feet from the outside v3 cam and it connected and is now working

Hopefully WYZE can provide a firmware update to correct the issue. Otherwise, it would be related to the camera’s hardware which could not be corrected with a firmware update.

I understand that the cameras only cost $20 so customers should not expect the same performance as a $150 camera, but I would expect the v3 to have the same connectivity performance as the v2.

I now am experiencing a 4th V3 camera hanging on step 3/3 getting video.
This camera is not on my home network, but is deployed in our HOA on another network which I control.
It was working fine for 4-5 days but now it’s hanging on the connection step.
The camera gets its wifi and sits adjacent to an old Apple airport extreme. It has a stable 30mb connection and the router status was fine when I reset the cam and network today. The older V1 and V2 did not hang as the V3 now does. I will replace the router this week.
This is frustrating. If a new wifi router doesn’t improve stability i will open yet another trouble ticket and send camera logs. Wyze needs to focus on this instead of keep releasing new products.


I had to install a network extender to get two of my v3 cams to successfully connect (even though the v2 cams worked in the same locations). Now after a day both v3 cams went offline. I am still waiting for an update from WYZE (ticket 932415) in response to my email regarding the v3 connectivity issues.

Update. the replacement V3 on a separate network (old Apple Airport extreme) hung again today on 3/3 getting video. i was successfully able to restart the camera – Settings, Restart and it reconnected.

I’m still going to replace the router this week with a brand new one and see if that improves the problem.

on a bright note the 5 V3’s on my home Google Mesh Network remain connected and stable.

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That stinks. I feel for you. But I am soooooooooo done with wasting time like that troubleshooting junk hardware. By the way an Airport Extreme? Is that even secure in today’s world? Does it offer anything besides WEP?

UPDATE: I was able to get the two v3 cams back online by:

  1. renaming the SSIDs associated with the network extenders to a unique name
  2. reset the network extender devices clock to sync with my network date/time (the time was off on the devices)
  3. reconfigured the cameras

Now I will wait and see how long they stay connected.


And yet all other wifi devices do not requite this hand holding. I’m sorry, but it’s total BS that we have to spend all this time trouble shooting Wyze cameras to connect. No way am I spending another 10 min troubleshooting this junk. It works or it doesn’t. Total nuts for all of us to spend hours on this stuff.

I’ve had my V3 cam for a few days and it’s working well. For my v2s, I initially blocked their Internet access and that seemed to cause quite frequent connection issues from my app. Once I removed that block the connection problems went away.

The low light sensitivity of the v3 is impressive, I get the same image with and without my living room’s light on at dusk.

It didn’t recognize my Samsung 64GB card so there’s a 32GB one in there now which works fine.

Right now my v3 is sitting in a waterproof transparent container with a portable battery. Streaming constantly maybe 75% of the time it runs for two days. There are a couple of non camera related issues I’m working through but so far I’m quite pleased with my v3.

It’ll be great to have the multi-zone detection feature fixed and available for the v3. Also, network accessibility of the stored event files would be awesome.

It is indeed incredibly frustrating when you have to spend so much time troubleshooting… And when you think you’ve got it figured… it goes offline again and have to start troubleshooting it again. I think unfortunately the wifi sphere is overcrowded and too congested…

Something doesn’t make sense. Millions of tiny Rokus and Firesticks are sold and they don’t have the kind of reception and stability issues so many of us have with our WiFi cameras. In the same network where my Wyze and other cameras are regularly losing a 40- 80 KB/s stream 15 feet from the router, 3 TV devices can stream uninterrupted HD all day if we want. (And the cameras are local traffic!)