I ordered these back in Oct, and still awaiting the preorders of the V3 cameras…
But I was wondering what people’s experience have been thus far in terms of the overall improved reliability and performance of the new V3 cameras.
Provided that you have a stable 2.4ghz Wifi Network, have these new V3s been any more stable when viewing the video feed on the native Wyze app, And also when using an android app like Tinycam Pro to view multiple live feed (4 cam view) from the V3 cameras ?
And what seems to be the consensus on above 32GB storage options? Are people having overall good success with 64gb and higher microsd cards? (What brands/model seem to work the best?)
Reliability so far is the same, but that’s a good thing for me since I’ve had good reliability with the V2. The image is significantly better in the V3 with less artifacts, even in sun lit daylight. The night view is night and day difference (pun intended), Although even though I can see most everything in color all night long, I prefer night vision (black and white) when it gets really dark since the image is super crisp and sharp. Much better than the V2 even in night vision mode.
As far as the SD cards, that seems to be a problem. I couldn’t get anything beyond a 32gb to show up in the camera, including the exact 64gb cards moved from a V2 that worked perfectly. Of course, 32gb is the stated limit, but that’s what it was in the V2 also. There is another thread where others have also stated they couldn’t use bigger than 32gb. It may be something firmware can fix.
I think although being able to view in color at night would be nice added benefit/feature, I too would think that I would rather see the image more clearly even if its in greyscale.
So by the sounds of it, the Starlight sensor is definitely helping the camera see and capture more in lower light conditions…
How about the connectivity stability? On the V2, I would get the Connection failed error when trying to view the cameras… how you found it occurring less frequently? I’m hoping that the V3s will lock onto a wifi signal without drops… (I know the V3 do not have any ports available for the purpose of attaching any Sense bridges, but I’ve heard that Wyze is planning on releasing some sort of solution for the Sense sensors to be have a more stable and that will not have to have bridges attached to the back of the cameras…Looking forward to that!)
The issue with the 32GB limitation is kind of a bummer… I was hoping to move my existing microSD cards over to the V3 when they come in… Let’s hope that it isn’t a physical limitation of the camera… and that Wyze can and will do some sort of patch that will enable larger capacity storage options…
I can’t speak to any improvement in connection stability over the V2, but that’s really because I don’t have the connection problem you’re describing with any of my 4 V2 (now 3) and one pan. I have had reliably problems in other Wyze areas from time to time like sensors, notifications, bulbs and plugs not always responding or delayed, but all my cameras work solid.
Although, now that I think about it, I did have camera issues last spring. I have a couple of wall mounted tablets that display my front yard camera 24/7. I did have a period of time when that camera would frequently drop off line. I found that the problem was somehow caused by my wife having cameras grouped together in her app on her shared account. When she would view a camera, the one the tablets would drop from streaming. Ungrouping the cameras on her app solved the problem and it’s been perfectly fine since.
Don’t know why the grouping caused the problem or if it’s different now several app updates later.
I’m running 64GB and 128GB cards in 14 of my v3 cams. Working great so far on the Continuous Recording setting, but it’s been only 2 days. Need to verify trouble-free Playback performance past the 32GB and card-full points.
Thank you all for providing more user information. I wanted to see where I may need to focus on troubleshooting once I get those V3…
What are your thoughts regarding replacing all the existing V2 (with the V3s?) Are you guys planning t or have already replaced all the V2s?
I have a few of them and planning on replacing half of them with the newer cameras…But of course realizing that we still need to keep a few strategically placed V2s for the Bridges (Sense) until Wyze brings to the market the replacement stand alone bridge solution…
Newshound: Good to know that the connectivity is much faster with the V3s! Fair enough statement… Hoping that between the upgraded hardware and new firmware in the V3s that the overall connectivity has been improved…. Most of the time, I don’t have too many issue with the cameras, but can never tell when the “internet gods” aren’t appeased and decide to act up… It’s when the Sense sensors act up and disconnects in conjunction with the live feed from the cameras flaking out… I often find that I have to reboot and/or power cycle the V2s a little bit often… (Of course, this is already doing the usual things like setting schedules (on/off) and changing Router channels to avoid conflicts, connecting the cameras to guest wifi, etc…)
Seapup: Interesting about the larger size cards… Awesome that all of your cameras with larger cards are working… Will be interesting to see and know how you fair with playback… Do all your cards in use happen to be the same brand or varied? Is there a particular brand that you find yourself as the goto?
raym64: Interesting about the grouping thing! I have my cameras grouped as well…. And I never considered that the grouping option could potentially contribute to the dropping issue… I will have to give that a try as well to see if I see any difference over a duration of time…. It is frustrating when the connectivity gets a bit flaky… but I have the cameras set to record continuously and when I view the playback…Luckily, it usually just keeps recording video even when I am unable to view the live feed….
I do enjoy a good challenge, but at times can’t get old…LOL … Looking forward to getting a bit more stability from the V3s…
With the grouping causing dropouts in my case, it’s something I may not have even noticed if I was just checking cameras occasionally in the app. However, since I have the two wall mounted tablets displaying the one camera 24/7, it was very noticeable when the camera stopped streaming. I can now go several days continuously streaming without having to hit the refresh icon on the tablets due to a drop.
Similarly, I use an android tablet, and it displays a four pane view of each set of four cameras.
So overall, what I am finding now is that I can get a few days of “normalcy” without any issues…
And on some days, i do have to reboot (warm and/or cold reboot) the cameras… And occasionally I have to add a reboot of my internet Router… And then it will go steady for a bit…
Thank you again for the tip! I will definitely be trying the camera un-grouping thing to see if I get even more stability to it…
They’re all still working great and one has begun to write past the 32GB point on a 64GB card. Was also able to view those Events fine. Will hold judgment until I see it start successfully overwriting Events when capacity is full, probably around this coming Tuesday for the 64GB cards. Will post back with my v3 results and how-to details.
one thing to think about with the V3 and it’s night vision. at some point there will also be an accessory spotlight that goes on top of the camera. this can be always on ( to enhance color vision at night) or have it turn on when it detects motion, among a few other settings. I know it is in testing but I dont know availability or price off hand. just another nifty thing with the V3.
There does seem to be add on options to the V3 that is going to make it even more helpful… Like the LED light they are working on… I would venture to guess that t they will make it software configurable so that the end users may be able to use it like a security light where it will come on at night when it detects motion to not only allow for better visibility, but also as a deterrent to any would be hoodlums…
At the same token, I hope Wyze works on it enough so that these accessories do not interfere with the signal strength of the V3s or create some power constraints like the issue with the Pancams and the USB Sense Bridges…
Hmmmm… That’s not a high percentage of positive success results…
What do you end up having to do?.. Are you running IOS or Android? And do you reboot the app? or the V3s? Or both in order to get past step 3 and be able to see the live view?
I am on the newest iOS with my iPhone. My wife has this happening on her iPhone and iPad too. So it’s not my iPhone.
I kill the app and/or have to restart the camera. 90% of the time re start the camera. It’s a real pain the a**. I am soooooooooooooo disgusted with Wyze cameras and their app the past 2 months.
I cant speak of power constraints other than to say I haven’t heard of any. but you bring up another good thing to keep in mind.
with the second version of the sense coming out sometime in the future, and this having a standalone bridge ( mentioned in the AMA) it is entirely plausible to imagine that it could very well have better signal/ reception. it will have it’s own power source and it should be far more maneuverable to get better signal in a given area as it wont have to be with a camera. only a power outlet would be needed for the bridge. and being stand alone, I could imagine a person being able to run multiple bridges as well…but this is entirely speculation as I am not a tester and have not spoken to miss Cleo or aliens on the topic.
Oh absolutely… All the restart, router reboots, etc. all adds to a less than ideal scenario… Some people seem to be totally ok with or only have limited to no issues with wifi interference/connectivity when it comes to the cameras (and Sense sensors for that matter…) I hope Wyze continues to work on the firmware to push their hardware to its limit while focusing on a stable product that will be less and less prone to interference (wifi or any other kind…)
For me, I love tinkering… but of course like most people, I don’t want to have to make troubleshooting a full time occupation… Yes, it should work right out of the box… And for the most part, it does…
That’s why in my house, I call it the “internet gods” … When these “gods” are happy, the sun is shining and all is well and stable in the Wyze world… (Meaning the V2 cameras are all on-line, and I can see live views from them, And the Sense sensors are all on-line and not disconnected and so on. But, when they are offline, it becomes sometimes a bit challenging to try and determine what the issue is… All too often… My hypothesis is that It boils down to the possible over crowded Wifi channel bandwidth with all the interference that is around us… especially with so many more people working from home, there are much more devices that needs and are connected to Wifi…
Kind of makes me wonder how stable the Wyze Home Monitoring Security option is going to be…(I know as part of that home security game, Wyze has to develop Wyze has to develop and release upgraded devices in order for it to be considered a home security option that will be monitored by a third party…I love the concept, but wish they would bring to market all the improved sensors/solutions, but allow it be be self monitored and not require a third party to monitor you house for you… And for a fee…)
I am definitely looking forward to the next iteration of the Sense…
As i understand it as well, Wyze is working on getting the next gen Sense sensors integrated with their Home Monitoring/Security solution. So looking forward to seeing a more stable connection (or at least less disconnected issues coming about…)
It’ll be interesting to see how the next gen sensors goes… I do like being in this ecosystem (and have invested a good deal in their hardware and troubleshooting time into it, ) So the overall Wyze concept of making this all easy and affordable for most people is truly a fantastic mantra to live up to… Wyze just need to be able to continue to show their customers that they are continuing on that belief and not trying to be the jack of all trades, but master of none…
Miss Cleo!!!.. LOL… What… You mean you don’t have a direct connect with Psychic John Edwards???.. LOL…