Wyze troubling new "Buy Now" offer for Sensor 2

I’ve been buying Wyze devices for over a year now. And, as everyone knows, there are gaps in what you can do with this stuff. Now, Wyze has a new Wyze Sense buy I can’t buy it unless I buy a whole new kit.

Wyze is acting like they are SimpliSafe. I don’t want the whole kit.
Come 'on guys… This is nuts!


The new sensors don’t work with the old USB hub you plug into the back of the CamV1/2 or PanCam, so you’ll need the whole base kit. That said, I know they do eventually plan to sell the components standalone so you can add additional sensors without buying a whole second base kit. Just not sure when.

They already sell the sensors without the hub but you can’t use them without it. In fact, if you add them to the shopping cart and you didn’t purchase a starter kit it won’t complete the transaction.

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Thanks @WildBill! I had missed that they were selling things standalone. I hadn’t scrolled down enough. I’m enjoying the new motion sensors (that I’m mostly using to control lights, etc), and have one of the door sensors on my garage door. A nice upgrade from V1.

I’ve got the starter kit plus a few additional contact sensors. The new ones do seem to have greater range so I’ve been able to place them further away without the need for multiple cameras with hubs. I don’t like the size of them since they are much more obvious when you put them on doors or walls, preferred the smaller size of the V1s. Hopefully, these are more reliable. Right now, just playing with them. Probably won’t activate Noonlight as there are too many missing functions in the app.

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You can purchase them but you will get a warning

Wyze Sense Entry Sensor v2 (3-Pack)

Requires Wyze Home Monitoring Core Starter Kit. This device will NOT function as an individual or standalone product.

Interesting. I had them in the cart and for some reason the purchase system didn’t recognize my account. The shopping system then told me it was removing the items from my cart because I didn’t own a starter kit.

You can purchase them as a guest without even logging into your account

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The purchase of the extra sensors is not on the HMS page, look in the general area of the shop to find the standalone sensor modules. I got confused by this to untill I was shows they have their own page on the shop.


Your right. I just tested it and works now. Must have been a temporary glitch.

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@WildBill, I was looking for a way to put a motion sensor in my mailbox. I found Yolink yosmart.com & Amazon. Amazing range at 1,000 feet. Not trying to replace Wyze, but sometimes a layered approach solves unique situations. I just want people to know there’s “special solutions” for "special situations.
The Yolink hub is about $20 and sensors about $20. So, pretty good pricing.


Looks really interesting. Have you found a way to make them work with Wyze plugs, bulbs, etc? Have you integrated all with Alexa?

I personally use the new sensors and motion detectors to trigger many things in my house. There is no real difference in their use vs. the V1 sensors/motion… they seem to be faster though. I think that is related to having a hub instead of the bridges.

I’ve even paired all my old v1 sensors and motion detectors to the new hub and they seem to perform better. Good range too.

Overall, I’m happy with the new sensors. I don’t currently use anything with the Home Monitoring System, it is disabled all the time. (not in test mode).

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So far, I have used the motion sensor in a mailbox 120 feet away and it works great. I have Alexa routines that trigger, Wyze bulbs and tell a Wyze cam to come up on a Alexa Show. However the camera is currently not looking down the street where the sensor is - just wanted to know/see if the Wyze cam would come up from the routine. Pretty cool. So, far that’s all I need this one Yolink motion sensor to do.

I also have the Yolink garage sensor trigger the Wyze cam V2 to display on the Show. That works too. Although there’s no triggers or links between Wyze/Yolink or Yolink/Wyze, I can still do all the things with a Yolink sensor to a Wyze cam that I want to do.

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Earl, I am not doubting you, but asking how do you know the V1 sensors bind the V2 HMS hub?

I can attest to being able to connect V1 sensors to the new HMS hub. If you have one to experiment with, just go to add device, select the v1 contact sensor, then select the HMS as the device to connect the sensor. Seems to work fine. Others on the forum have reconnected all of their V1s to the new hub.

I was just looking on Amazon…special deal on 4 door sensors and hub for $59.99 after a $10 discount coupon. Tempted, but not sure if I’m that tempted. :thinking:

I like most the size (half the size of everything else out there). But even these remaining ones left in the wild wind up being disposable, since we generally can’t keep them working after the first battery dies.

I agree with you. $49.99 after rebate for 4 (even with hub - barely worth it with they through in a V2 camera).

Sam, what the guy said above… Just add a v1 sensor to the HM hub. Works the same.

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Honestly, with the way Wyze handled the support of the old sensor including the ever permanent-out of stock, why would you ever buy another sensor. The fact that the older sensors have been not supported and will become garbage once the battery is dead IS NOT a reason to support buying a new design that forces you to start over.
I’ve been a fan from the beginning but WYZE definitely got this one wrong and owes it to the community to just make a decision. If you’re not going to support something just come out and say so. Stop being so wishy washy and get rid of it from the store.

2 cents