If you have a Wyze Thermostat, you probably already know that Alexa has yet to learn how to fully control the Wyze Thermostat. Tell her to change the thermostat state to Away, and she will tell you “I don’t know how to set Wyze Thermostat to that setting”. In fact, about the only thing she can do is to set the thermostat to a specific temp setpoint, especially when using routine actions. If you are in Auto mode when she does this, chances are the Heat To and the Cool To temps will both be changed to the exact same setpoint. But she does know how to change the Mode, which is what will happen if you tell her “Set cool to 74”… she switches it out of auto into cool and resets the temp.
EDIT: The voice commands are available but not the pre-set routine actions. @spamoni posted the Alexa Voice Command List for the Thermostat below. Check it out.
I wanted a way to get away from rigid schedules in the thermostat because my Home and Away time vary drastically from day to day without notice. I didn’t want to be constantly thumbing the app, fighting with an automatic schedule and placing it in hold. I also didn’t want to use GPS Geofencing for a couple different reasons. I wanted to be able to use Alexa to do this when I left, when I cam home, or when I went to bed, and didn’t want to have to fuss with it otherwise.
I already have four routines with various lighting, security, music, etc., tasks built in for Alexa: “I’m Up”, “I’m Leaving”, “I’m Home”, and “Bedtime”. I wanted Alexa to be able to change the state of the Thermostat when executing those routines so that it used my preset temp preferences in the thermostat rather than the schedule. Unfortunately, Alexa doesn’t know how to do that.
I got around this by using 3 Wyze Plugs. I bought the 4 pack on Amazon Prime because I wanted it shipped and received before next year and I wanted the ease of immediate no hassle returns.
Those 3 plugs are now named Home, Away, and Sleep. The plugs can easily be turned on and off by Alexa in routines and in voice commands. I loaded each plug into my routines to turn on when I say the Alexa routine command phrase. I then created 3 rules in Wyze using each plug’s “On” state as a trigger to change the Thermostat state to Home, Away, or Sleep corresponding to each plug. I added a second rule for each plug to turn off the after 1 minute. I don’t plug anything into them, they are simply being used as “Relay Translators” between Alexa and the Thermostat since Alexa can control the the plugs and the plugs can control the thermostat state.
Now, I can control the state of my Thermostat using my programmed temp preferences just by talking to Alexa. When I am away from home longer than I expected, my HVAC doesn’t heat or cool unnecessarily unless a safety temp is breached.
As an added bonus, I can also change the state of the thermostat by turning on any one of the three plugs using my Google Home Control Buttons from my phone power button rather than opening the Wyze app. The rules will automatically shut them off after 1 minute.
The only thing left for me is to find a way to completely delete all schedules from the Wyze Thermostat. But, it seems that this is a critical life support system for the thermostat as it is not possible.