Wyze has a kit coming consisting of 4 HEPA filters, 4 edge brushes, and 2 main brushes. First link is the proposed kit (scroll down to the picture of it below the video), second link is the last known status 12 days ago:
5/7/2021 UPDATE:
Congratulations @outdoorsman82 @tlfurgason @gnstoddard @jaybondoo7 @diArdi for winning the Wyze Robot Vacuum Replacement Parts Kit Giveaway! Winners were randomly selected from 400+ entries.
Please send me a DM with your email address and I will contact you for the next steps.
Thanks to everyone who took part and helped make this activity such a great success. We really appreciate your support!
4/21/2021 Original Post:
Hey, Wyze…
We’re super sorry about that! The parts were supposed to be here earlier and then last month. Right now, there has been a delay with the boat docking but we are getting closer. We are aiming to have them for sale this month and we apologize for the delay, confusion, and app experience.