Wyze Robot Vacuum NOW Works with Alexa

Great tip :+1:
I have made a lot of custom commands for fun, but never really thought about doing it that way. I may now update some of my commands to be more personal like this.

Here is how I previously used custom commands like that. My daughter kept running all around the house yelling to Alexa (or Google) “Alexa Who farted” then giggled, then would do it again, and again, and again. So I changed that to be a custom routine and caught on a Wyze cam the next time she said it, with it responding:

“If it stinks, then my analysis is that its probably [My daughter], especially if there are any boys around. Boys make her nervous.”

Wouldn’t you know it, that embarrassing moment was all it took for it to be the very LAST time I ever had to listen to her ask “Who farted” to any of the smart assistants. It was 100% immediate extinction on this behavior…and left me with a great funny video captured on my Office Wyze Cam.

That’s half the reason I have some cams inside my house in public areas. Catching memories like that that I can save after they occur are priceless. :slight_smile: I’m not so worried about “security” inside my house, but the memories are awesome. All sorts of “firsts” from our baby that we wouldn’t have had recorded because we wouldn’t have known to record, and now we can just let the events happen naturally and just download the memory LATER after it’s over. Great stuff. Wish it was 2K though :wink:

But, your tip for making other commands more natural is a useful one! I’m going to have to do that.