Has anyone else experienced this issue? Seems to have cropped up recently.
Virtually all Wyze robot Alexa voice commands no longer appear work.
I used to be able to tell Alexa to "Ask [Wyze vacuum Vacuum name] to clean/vacuum/sweep my [room name].
No workie no more.
I’ve tried all of the different permutations listed, and Alexa will now usually say:
“Sorry I didn’t find a device or group named Wyze vacuum my [Room name]”
“I don’t know how to set [vacuum name] to that setting”
“Sorry, I don’t know that one”
“Hmm, I’m not sure about that”
The only thing I can get it to respond to is:
“Turn on [vacuum name]”, where it proceeds to clean the entire house.
“Turn off [vacuum name]”, where it cancels the current cleaning an returns to the docking station.
I believe all the other commands stopped working about the time I updated to version 3.0 of the Wyze app. But I’m not sure, so I’m not going to blame the app. It might be an issue in the cloud, or with Alexa integration.
Yes, I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the app. All devices have been rebooted. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the Wyze Alexa skill. I’ve removed and re-added the vacuum to my Wyze account. I removed and re-added my Alexa devices to my Alexa account.
Yep. Not wyze problem. It’s Amazon. Everytime they do some sort of app udate I loose voice control over devices. Sometimes I can get a light to turn on but when to turn off it has no clue what I am talking about.
I have the exact same problem as described by you.
I called Wyze tech support and got nowhere. The tech person asked me if Echo was similar to Alexa. (Duh?)
The Wyze vacuum is a marvel of engineering. Its mapping capabilities blow me away. The battery life seems short, but supposedly it will simply return to the charger for a quick charge.
For this appliance to be useful in my household, it must work smoothly with Alexa and verbal commands. That is the only way wife will be able to work with it. She is not technical. But, so far, I’ve had no success getting Alexa’s (Echo) commands to work.
The Best I can do with Alexa commands is On or Off. I’ve installed and uninstalled, enabled and unenabled, and linked and unlinked. And no help from a tech support department person who doesn’t know that Alexa can be renamed Echo.
As much as I love Wyze’s engineering on this product, I must go elsewhere because this household chore must eventually become my wife’s responsibility. Therefore, it must be verbal.
Can anyone recommend another budget Lidar robot vacuum that works smoothly with Alexa (Echo)? I will be looking for your response. Thanks. Bob H