Thanks for your interest bud. I’ll try to reply the best I can.
1: The easiest way currently to get hass running, with and without wyze sense / wyze cameras is to get a raspberry pi 4/3 and sd card, power supply, and case. with that, you can use etcher to burn the hassos to the raspberry sd card, boot to that sd card, voila you have local control within 5 minutes or less or several integrations right out of the box, like roku, lifx, generally things with already established local control options. You can also run it on pretty much any debian based server or virtual machine software like docker (it's a docker based app) or proxmox
Then, beyond that you install a couple addons like the file editor, install hacs for more addons, then you’re off to the races. I and several others even backup their hassos (home assistant, aka, hassio) to google cloud in the even of a break down, we can be back up and running with a fresh copy on a fresh sd card in minutes. As far as web control, the best way(s) to do that is A: Duckdns/custom domain ssl certs (fully integrated) or B: the brewed up alexa/google/vpn integration that does cost an amount of $5 a month for full integration of alexa, google, and your own personal web link that you can use in the home assistant android/iphone/chrome app. You don’t have to spend a single extra dollar if you don’t want to, the alexa, google, and vpn integration however more difficult, can be done manually for free, hope this clears up that one.
2: I started on a virtual machine on my desktop, too much overhead and wanted it running 24/7, moved to a rpi4b4g, then finally now moved to both a rspi4b and an intel nuc, running 2 different versions of hassos. It’s a work in progress, I don’t really need to run 2 versions, but I like my custom dns server separate.
3: Hassos plans to be the next big thing on home automation. it’s open source and locally run from the ground up, and at this point it’s become massive enough it can’t be stopped.
4: All paid components (there is only one, for $5 a month) can be done with enough know how on your own for free
5: Full, cloud control, no local control as alexa does not offer that
6: I have seen videos on youtube of people creating their own voice assistant, with home assistant as almond (open source tts) and the front end are both available locally, it could be done in a way that allows for the controllers to be used without internet.
Any other questions?