Wyze has disabled audio recording from SD card on FLOODLIGHT cam v3

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I just wanted to jump in and say that I have this issue with 2 floodlight Wyze cams also. With the beta software hopefully this is resolved.

Go to this link where solution to issue is posted.

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Thanks! I’ll give them a bit longer and then I’ll try the old firmware.

Just follow the instructions provided by lcstormstormclan in the thread, titled "no sound audio in playback of v3 floodlights. " and your audio will return.

I recently purchased a Wyze Cam v3. Set it up and installed the latest firmware This morning I took out the SD card to check functionality and discovered the same situation as the other folks in this thread. No Audio on SD card playback. This was tested using VLC and Media PLayer on a Windows 11 device. Live playback works fine in the app (iPhone iOS 16.5.1).

Following recommendations, I flashed firmware and tested the audio playback in VLC again. Success! Audio playback also works in the default Windows 11 Media Player. I’d like to know when the next firmware is released which fixes this issue.

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You and us both we have been dealing with this issue for quite some time now, doesn’t seem like wyze cares tbh as it only affects one of their products that they have seemed to replace. So I have to buy the new flood light and go through the install process 3 times again (my house has 3 floodlights and cams). No thanks I’ll switch companies and they can lose a customer since they don’t care. When the old firmware quits being supported or it forces me to update and I lose audio again I’ll just cancel my sub and go with a company with better customer service. What a joke.


I’m having the same problem. Is there a fix for this.


I have the same issue and bought 6 Wyze Cam Floodlights. Wyze is not helpful and support asked me to upgrade to V3 cam firmware which is not yet available for my iOS app. They would not compensate me for the trouble/reduced functionality, so am planning on returning the cameras if I dont hear from them soon

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I have a Wyze Cam Floodlight and I have the same issue. I just tried downloading a previous firmware. I extracted the zip file and transferred it to the root directory of my SD card. I have Windows, so I then went into the folder, and took the file called “demo_wcv3.bin” and transferred that to my SD card root directory. I then unplugged the usb from the camera on the floodlight, inserted the SD card, then pressed and held the setup button. While still holding it, I plugged the usb cable back in, and waited. After about 5 seconds, instead of the purple light, I just get the flashing red light and the voice saying “ready to connect”. I repeated the process several times and I’ve never gotten the purple light and the reboot with the old firmware.

Can someone please confirm that I did everything correctly? If so, the only other issue I can think of is that I have a 128 GB SD card. I saw somewhere that it is recommended to use a 32 GB SD card. If I did all the steps above correctly, does anyone know if it is true that the firmware flash will not work with a larger SD card?

I have the same problem - no audio on playback (events have audio, live stream has audio). Just put in SD card in so I could record more.

Running firmware Just bought two new floodlight cam v3’s which have this problem and a third floodlight cam v3 I’ve had a while also has the problem (all on same firmware). Just logging this to let Wyze know people are waiting for a fix. In my case since I just bought the floodlights I can still return them. To me this is a warranty issue since the functionality is not working.


That could be the issue but check my instructions in this post, also make sure you’re not making my mistake as well which was I was renaming and typing .bin at the end but windows automatically does that for you atleast windows 11 was for me. Turns extensions on to make sure, by default showing extensions is usually off it’s in your settings google how to do it.

Then if your not making the same mistake I am follow my instruction to the letter in this topic and it should work (again yes I used a 32gb card maybe that’s your issue) :

Yes there is reverting back to mays firmware is the only option. It’s a little technical just a forewarning. Follow the instructions I laid out in this topic just scroll down some you will see my post.

Yea unfortunately they just updated the firmware in July it looks like and I haven’t seen any notes about a fix to the audio in sd card playback. This has been an issue for quite some time, to be honest I don’t think they intend to fix it. They already came out with a new floodlight (floodlight v3 pro) and I bought it and replaced my backyard one and it doesn’t have the same issue the previous model does.

It would seem they’re just going to ignore it and move forward with their new product. I’ve left my front yard floodlight on mays firmware and that seems to continue to do the trick. If you’re able to and it sounds like you are I would return them all and buy the new version (pro). They’re a tad more money but the video quality and camera are much better I can attest. Ultra wide view at 2k resolution and no audio problem. Probably easier then dealing with having to run such an old firmware.


Has anybody heard about a fix for this yet? I also have the original floodlight and am on beta firmware and have no sound on my sd card recordings.


Nope they haven’t even acknowledged it. I don’t think they want to, I think they want people to buy the new floodlight instead. They’ve discounted the old one all the way down to 50 bucks now wouldn’t surprise me one but if you can’t even buy the old version soon once they sell out of them.

Shady business practice if you ask me, probably trying to unload all the stock they have then will all of a sudden be sold out and altogether quit supporting it.

They have done a few firmware updates since this problem started and not even a mention of the issue in the notes or an attempt to correct it.


Everyone who’s tried to open a ticket about it has had it closed as well and told nothing they could do for them. Either run a years old firmware or don’t have audio playback in your sd card recordings

So I finally received a firmware update about a week ago, and with that, the sound still isn’t fixed. Plus, as of a few days ago, I now don’t have sound on my event videos either. I don’t know if anyone else is having the same issue.

I’m sorry to hear that. I haven’t tried updating firmware for quite some time now. Until someone reports it’s been fixed or I see it addressed in the notes of the firmware I’ll continue running mays firmware that works. I honestly don’t think they’re planning to fix it for us.

It seems it’s a certain batch of the original floodlights because I’ve talked to people who have bought the same floodlight but newer batches like recent purchases and it isn’t an issue for them. So they corrected it on the manufacturing side I believe and to wyze I’m sure we are considered a small insignificant amount of users who have the issue. You would think every last customer and user would matter but to big companies like this unfortunately I think we are just being overlooked.

I’ll eventually just buy a new floodlight the newer better model that has 2k resolution and a wide angle display with all the bells and whistles. Better AI and all. These floodlights were a disaster tbh, my one took on water and was ruined, the only reason my second one hasn’t yet is it’s on a covered porch but I’m still forced to run over a years old firmware to have it function properly. I guess there’s a reason they discounted them all the way down to 50 bucks now.

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I bought mine a couple weeks ago for $50, and I shouldn’t have bothered updating the firmware it came with, which was the one that works with audio. Now I’m too lazy to manually flash it back.

The new ones my friends and I got from Amazon all had a 2203 (3rd week of 2022) date code. It seems they haven’t made these in a while. At least the ones being sent out now still have the problem.

Besides the no audio recording, I don’t like how the floodlights can’t work just on PIR sensor alone…it depends on camera motion to be detected as well. Not good when the main camera is pointed in one direction in a 2-camera floodlight setup. I don’t know if this is another quirk related to the firmware update as well.

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