Wyze Doorbell v2 chime controller not working

My chime would not work with the traditional wiring method. I switched to the alternate wiring method, explained below. The chime works now but with a slight delay. Also, the doorbell itself also has a chime which cannot be turned off which is frustrating.

Alternate Wiring Method:
Remove existing wire connected to Front,
Connect with wire nut the black wire to the wire previously connected to Front,
Red wire spade to Front,
White disconnected.

I had the same issues and had to use the Alternate Wiring Method you described here. I had posted this method in another thread - thank you for posting it here and hopefully more users with try it.
My transformer and chime are 38 years old and work fine with this wiring schematic!

In the many attempts to wire the chime controller, I to had this happen.
The only way I could use the chime controller was to use the wiring diagram described by RobbyBobby above:

Alternate Wiring Method:
Remove existing wire connected to Front,
Connect with wire nut the black wire to the wire previously connected to Front,
Red wire spade to Front,
White disconnected.

My doorbell and chime worked with the chime controller removed so I knew it was a wiring issue. You might try this and see if it works for you.

I got word today from Wyze Support that the delay in the house chime is by design. They want the chime in the doorbell to finish before the house chime goes off. Hopefully when they allow silencing of the doorbell chime, the house chime will no longer have a delay.

I tried for days to get the v2 to work with my existing chime. I tried the wiring diagram it came with. I tried the alternative wiring Wyze suggested. I tried googling it. I finally made progress with YouTube. I came across a review and set-up video. The poster was mentioning that when they are “working on something and it works, they stop”. They went on to show the wiring unit, and mentioned they didn’t know why Wyze had included it. Since I was skipping through the video, I was confused by the statement and the wiring harness comment. Then it hit me! I took off the wiring unit, reattached the wiring to the chime in it’s original configuration. Lo and behold, the chime now works! No wiring unit needed. Hope this helps.

Not sure why this is still a problem for everyone. The fix has been posted all over the place. Yes, it works without the controller wired in but the purpose of the Wyze controller is to prevent a surge going to the Wyze doorbell unit. The camera is only $39, not a huge cost if it were to get destroyed by a power surge. I ran my old Ring cameras without any controller and there was never an issue the last 5 years.

The fix is to simply swap both the red and white wires from the controller onto the chime connections. Apparently, the chime controllers were wired backwards inside the controller itself. So swapping both wires resolves the issue without having to replace your transformer. I am still using my original builder grade 16V10A transformer. It works perfectly.

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I wonder what the difference is between doing this and just leaving the white wire disconnected (aka the alternate wiring method). Both methods work for me.

I don’t understand why people are wondering why this is an issue. Regardless of the price, the product sold should be according to it’s specifications and works as designed and described. Connecting the doorbell per instructions and manual to an approved 16V10VA transformer doesn’t work. Same connection to upgraded transformer does work. Workaround by swapping the connection is not a solution because Wyze has not explained why - which connection is correct and which not?
In general Wyze should have came with official statement and a fix by now. We shouldn’t be wasting time and money because of Wyze’s faulty and unfinished product/manual/instructions.


Yep! This was the correct fix for mine too! THANKS!!!

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I put in a new transformer 24V 40va and followed the regular instructions and it works perfectly. the Chime controller is installed as per the given instructions. No changes to experimenting… Works perfectly no issues. My mechanical bell is probably 30 years old.

I had that problem also, so I blocked the wall next to the doorbell with the detection zone.

Thanks, I did try that after I sent my original post. BUT, thanks for the response. If it were not for this forum I would not have fixed my original Chime problem.

I was unable to use the alternative wiring, or just eliminate the chime controller, because it would either not work or cause my doorbell to hum. So I bought this tri-volt transformer for $13 and used the 24VAC output, and it’s working now.


I actually just had the same issue of loud humming. I tried to fix it to no avail and am currently in a state that the camera itself does not even work. I will need to get with Wyze support to see what they can do to help.

Too bad video doorbell 2 doesn’t work with the chime

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I removed the chime controller for my mechanical chime and worked like a charm.

I agree, it seems wyze dropped the ball here

I’m glad I checked the forum. It’s been driving me crazy the last 2 days since I got the doorbell cam for Christmas. Switching the red and white wires did the trick for me

Same issue as everyone else. With controller installed, nothing. Switch red and white… And I get the same as not having the controller connected… Just the “ding” and not the “dong” whatever… At least there is some kind of sound coming from the inside doorbell. I do not have a Humm either… The transformer on mine is in the wall behind the doorbell… I haven’t checked what it is … But given what everyone has said, mine I am sure is the same. The house is exactly 1 year old… Was a new build and the chime is just a cheap mechanical chime.

The alternative connection for the controller at least allowed something to work. So I am happy. I wish they would just enable the old v1 chime for the doorbell… As that’s what I have been using for years. What I love about the v2 is the view being more wide, and speaker and mic working. What I like about this over nest… Is the VoIP call has always worked for me.

I am not happy about this controller BS, but at least now I have one ding from it, before it hits my phone. I hope they fix this in the future with firmware changes.

Before installing your Wyze chime controller, identify the wiring of your existing doorbell chime system. This will save you hours of troubleshooting and failures. Most in house systems have a 2 wire cable from the doorbell to the transformer, and another cable from the chime to the transformer. Separate and identify those two cables and then label them. Now follow the wiring diagram for the installation of the chime. Your cable wire colors may not match the diagram. Just wire each terminal one at a time. I would do this before spending more money buying a new transformer. The Wyze chime installation diagram seems to be correct, but if you don’t identify your existing wiring first, then you will head down a long path of confusion. I wish Wyze would state this beforehand so no assumptions are made from the beginning.