WYZE displayed but "No Thermostats found"

Hello. I had the Thermostat up and running with the C adapter but shortly after I realized I had a C wire so I went ahead and did a factory reset on the thermostat and deleted it from the app. I was planning on doing the setup wizard again.

During my setup process a 2nd time, the thermostat can’t be found even though it’s on with WYZE on the screen. I clicked the button and did a reset a couple of times but it doesn’t help. I even went into android settings and deleted wyze cache.

Should I be able to sync to my thermostat no matter what if wyze shows up on the thermostat screen?

Help! Thanks.

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Hey there

I had a similar issue. It was not finding the thermostat.

If your Wyze thermostat is at the Wyze screen, hold on the button for 15 seconds to perform a master reset.

Then try to add it on the app. This worked for me.

Good luck


Tried it both ways.

First way you hold it for 5 seconds or so and it ask if you want to reset.
Second way I held it 15 seconds, it skips the reset screen and goes back to the WYZE screen.

No dice… Regardless IF someone screwed up the wires but WYZE still displays… it should be able to connect? I’m certain my wires aren’t crossed.

Try your phone. Force close the app and turn off Bluetooth and turn it on again. Reset the thermostat.

It should work if it connected before.


NEVERMIND. I googled the unknown bluetooth device that came up and it directed me to this thread, Thermostat bluetooth issue - #16 by Brian

Essentially I had to use another device to setup the thermostat.

Did u try unplugging for a bit the thermostat and trying again?

This worked perfectly for me! Thanks for sharing—it definitely saved me a few hours!


new thermostat install that successfuly paired with one android phone but not either of two others. All modern phones that have no problem paring with anything else. plenty close to thermostat. reset numorous times without success.