Hello. I have my new Wyze Cam V3 setup outside and about once every few days it will get stuck on the step “Getting Video Data (3/3)” the only way to fix it is through a camera reset. which can be done from the app so its still connected to the internet so i’m not sure whats up. i lose all notifications and recordings during this time too but usually don’t notice till later.
Any suggestions on how to avoid having to reset constantly?
It’s a known firmware issue for which the fix is currently being tested for an upcoming public release. Your options are to create a Wyze app schedule/rule to automatically perform your cam restarts or patiently wait for the fix. Let us know if you need help creating the schedule/rule.
Another option is to join the beta testing team. While this option will give you access to load the latest beta firmware and help identify bugs before public release, it also potentially subjects your cam(s) to additional unreleased bugs.
That’s sad to hear. I was running 21 v3 cams with the public release over 3 networks for the past month and all had the 3/3 problem, two wouldn’t connect at all, half froze live stream randomly, most resulted in a black screen upon app startup, none would stay streaming for more than 15 minutes, etc. etc. I loaded beta 228 about 36 hours ago on all v3s and they’ve been streaming HD non-stop to 3 tablets since. The only problem I’ve seen is an occasional -20 error when I try to view the same cam group simultaneously from 2 devices. I was initially getting pretty frustrated and depressed with my mass purchase running the public release and understand all the complaints here, but I’m a happy camper now. I hope it’s fixed and made public soon… users are rightfully getting antsy.
I can reproduce it pretty easy, create a group mixed with v3 and v2, load the group, then click any of the v3s. Gets stuck at 3/3 stage about 80% of the time for me.
I tried it on a S9+, S10+ and S20 with no problems over WiFi. Haven’t tried using mobile data. Maybe tomorrow, but not that important for my use. Not part of beta test either although I probably should be.
I have the same issue with my V3 cam… I found that running the Wyze app in virtual Box worked fine. I then uninstalled and reinstalled the wyze app on my phone (Pixel 6) and my V3 is now working on my phone…
This just started happening to me about a week or 2 ago. I have 4 outdoor cams all on 1 hub. This issue only happens with the iPhone app (both my phone and my wife’s phone). We can see the video feed just fine from our android devices (including our fire tv).
I have reboot everything (cameras, hub, wifi router, phone) and I also uninstalled the iPhone app and then re-installed but it still has the same problem. The only possible solution would be an update to the iPhone app, since it’s not having any problems on any of our Android devices.
ETA: I just noticed this thread is about the “V3” cams - but I am only having this issue with my outdoor cams.
I’ve experienced this issue for about the past month on one of my outdoor cameras. It looks like it was just resolved with the latest iOS app update to v2.30.1.10
I just did that and now it loads properly.
And it specifically calls out the issue in the release notes indicating they knew it was a bug. Thank you to the devs for fixing it!
I’ve been having this issue with my only v3 camera running firmware and android app v2.31.0 (145).
The camera was just updated to this newer firmware, was the previous version of firmware and latest Android app for like a month or two and I haven’t been able to get past 3/3.
My gf has an iphone and it connects just fine. My Android 12 phone hasn’t been able to connect for a while now.