I am just speculating, of course, but I think it’s mostly that the functions were already coded to 5 minutes from the previous cams and they just copied most of the same code to save time/effort/resources. It is possible that in the future they could do an update to the notification process that would allow changing the cooldown for just this cam or any future cams. Cooldowns are no longer really needed. Either everything is done locally, OR a person is paying for Cam Plus, but either way, cooldown should no longer be an issue IMO. I think it’s more about taking the time to decode the previous functions and redo them. Depending on how it was designed, there could be some design debt to resolve for it, but it can be fixed.
I’m sure they do have some concerns about frequency, but they can build in a type of cooldown like others do. Once it sends a notification, then do not send another notification until motion has cleared for at least a few seconds. In some ways this could actually issue more accurate (and fewer) notifications than even Cam Plus since Cam Plus forces a new event every 5 minutes (it will split up a recording every 5 minutes even if motion is still ongoing…so a 30 minute event may have six 5-minute events and issue 5 notifications if motion was constant for the whole 5 minutes…but Wyze could now allow LOCAL recordings to only do a single notification for that 30 minute event since motion never cleared for longer than 5 seconds or whatever. In such situations, they would have fewer notifications if done right.
My suggestion would be as follows: remove the cooldown for notifications wherein an AI detection was part of the same event (motion doesn’t cease for fewer than 5-10 seconds or whatever in near events in which a person was detected). Leave a notification cooldown only for “All MOTION” events (events where there was no person detected within it), so that there isn’t a new notification for every single gust of wind every 15-30 seconds…with millions of cams, that could get strenuous.
I think the above could be reasonable without wasting frivolous notifications having to go through the server.
I don’t see why they couldn’t trim that extra millimeter off of the plastic case. But if the window unit has a friction mount made of soft material, it might not present too much of a problem. Obviously you’ll want to disable the camera’s LEDs to prevent them from blinding it at night as well.
Is it possible to limit the functioning of the internal spot light by time of day? So for example, can the spot light be deactivated outside the midnight to 6am window in order to not irritate presumably innocent sidewalk traffic that crosses our driveway?
Does anyone know if the V3 Pro is compatible with the floodlights? I’ve got several standalone V3s that would be easy to swap out, but I also have two floodlights. Thanks in advance!
No. But if you install an SD card then the thumbnail still picture on the Events tab will let you go to that, where if you are set to continuous recording you can see as much of the event as you want.
The V3 Pro is not compatible with external accessories at this time. I do not know their future plans in this area.
It would be pretty silly to have named it V3 Pro - instead of the more appropriate V4 - if it weren’t even compatible with existing V3 architecture. So I would guess that’s coming.
certainly possible. The cameras could be independent of any outside Wyze server if they stored device IDs on the cameras. the cameras would become the servers to deliver just the cloud messaging (google/firebase and apple push notifications) to the accounts devices, which google/apple provides for free, and has their own throttling which varies but is much less than 5 minutes. Wyze could easily reduce notifications to 1 message per person detected above 1 minute (for v3Pro w/o CamPlus).
Also any v3Pro without CamPlus or CamPlus Lite, there wouldn’t be a need to view the events tab (used for cloud stored recordings), but the notifications could still alert via the method above regarding movement and person detection directly from the camera to those devices. at that point the user could either view live or SD playback.
I guess anything is possible with enough onboard processing capability and programming hours devoted to making that happen. But, does that fit into the current Wyze business model for rock bottom cost tech accessibility financed by a subscription based revenue stream? In a perfect world the cheap cams would do all that and make me coffee in the morning too. But there isn’t a $50 cam on the market today that will.
Well this should be fun to watch how this new cam works. they can’t even get their old cams to stream reliably and now trying even higher resolution. I’m not even going to consider this till its proven and they can get at least the V3’s to work somewhat reliably. Sorry for being negative, but have had nothing but problems lately with all their cams.
Time to get larger SD cards The 128 GB cards I have now will last 11 days continuous recording in HD, probably go back down to 7 or 8 days recording 2K (Maybe)?
Noticed this on marketing for the Wyze Cam V3 Pro, but the same picture, or similar with same issue, may be used for other cameras and devices too.
I was reading about the wyze cam 3 pro and was surprised to see a marketing picture with a baby sleeping on its stomach. The most effective way to reduce the risk of SIDS is to have babies always sleep on their backs, naps and bedtime . Thought it was relevant to mention because some caregivers or even parents may not be aware of the added risk from stomach sleeping and a picture like that may give them the idea it is okay to let a baby stomach sleep.
[Mod Note]:Your request was merged to this Wyze Cam v3 Pro news/announcement topic for better visibility by Wyze.
There is no doubt there are very smart college educated, psych majors, and advertising majors, market analysts majors, among many others, the list is long, in every industry, trying to manipulate people, we just have to weed out all the stuff they throw at us.