There is currently a service outage on AWS servers causing widespread connection issues. There was also one yesterday. Not sure if these are contributing.
11/30/22 7:25 PM PT - Our metrics are back at healthy levels and it looks like this outage is resolved. We’ll continue looking into the root causes of this week’s outages to fix them. If your devices are still offline, please try power cycling them and contact our support team at if that doesn’t bring them back online.
6:47 PM PT - Recovery is still progressing. Our metrics are looking better and we’re seeing some reports of improvement in the communities. We’ll keep you update…
11/29/22 6:22 PM PT - Our metrics are looking good and we’re not receiving new contacts about this issue. We believe that this is resolved though we’ll keep an eye on our metrics. If you’re still having difficulty with your Wyze app or devices, please reach out to .
5:42 PM PT - We see partial recovery on most of our systems and our metrics are still improving. This is not fully recovered but we’re getting toward that point and are seeing support contacts slow down and positive …