Wyze Cam v3 Pro firmware - Released 11/1/2023

Maybe a powercycle fixed it when you disconnected it and brought it inside?

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No, I should’ve mentioned, I checked if it came online when I brought it inside, before I tried setup again.

However, when I took it back outside, it stopped working again. I thought maybe it’s because it linked to a different mesh router (the one in my office) and that signal didn’t reach where it was. So I tried everything all over again, including rebooting my entire mesh network, as well as the cam, and going through setup again, but it kept failing and said it couldn’t find the specific network name over and over again. So I brought it back inside again and it magically started working even without going through setup again. Grr…

Oh well, I already planned to put a Floodlight Pro up where it used to be anyway, but it’s weird that it has connected fine there since launch day and not had a single connection issue, but now it refuses to work where it’s been fine for more than a year, but it works fine inside. I don’t get it. Maybe it’s synced to a specific Mesh node instead of just the SSID. I might try to redo setup near the node I want it to connect to, but if I’m going to setup a FLPro in that location to replace it with anyway, it might not be worth the effort.


I saw the update firmware notice. Updated all four v3 cam pros, and all four did NOT come back online! I have restarted everything. No avail. All four require ladders and it’s freezing outside. These are my MOST important cameras. What’s the deal, WYZE!? Speak

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Interesting. My Office V3Pro was one of the first 3 I updated that said it was successfully updated and then worked right afterward, but now I just saw it’s been offline for the last 3 hours.
I did restart my routers during that time, and it just seems like it didn’t come back online after the routers restarted. That could mean that the firmware has a bug in it related to that. I restarted the camera and it came back online again.

I decided to go check the other 2 cameras that said they were successful too, and they were both offline back to the same time (when I restarted my router)…they didn’t come back online after I restarted the router, but all other Wyze devices did. Just not any V3Pros with this new firmware on it. That might be part of the problem why everyone’s cameras say they’re offline. They have a reconnection issue, even if they were already working fine. Restarting the cameras themselves brought them all back online, but that is not a long term solution to have to restart the camera every time it gets a weak signal or lost packet for a second. We’ll need a new update to address that.

Just saying to keep an eye on V3Pros with this firmware for a little while. They might keep going offline again and require a restart.

Also had another V3Pro say it failed the update. I restarted it and that failed to bring it back online so I brought it back into my home office and it came back online again as soon as I plugged it in, so maybe it just needed 2 reboots? I redeployed it in it’s normal permanent location and it came up fine.

I’m sure the Security updates must have been important, but Wyze will to have to push through a second update to fix some of these issues so the cameras don’t stay offline any time they temporarily lose the signal.

For those hesitating to update to this one, I will say that ALL 5 of the cameras I have updated are working and online at the moment (it didn’t permanently “brick” any of my cameras), so hopefully that helps a little. I’m leaning toward agreeing with Seapup that it seems some of the cameras may need to restart [in some cases more than once] to come back online, maybe with strong power and/or strong WiFi signal. I might still wait to update the rest of my V3Pros to test on the next firmware just in case it is needed to see how they do jumping over this Firmware version. I will save a couple of my other ones as “tests” just in case it is needed.


Update. After going up on a ladder and bringing in one of my 4 pro cams and resetting it, and it still not connect…. with the message “network name not found, “ I turned off the “ hide ssid “ switch.
All four cameras connected.


The 3 cams that I updated are still live streaming. I restarted them once 6 hours ago to ensure restart still works properly. I wish we had more detail into what “security improvements” entail. That might help us pinpoint the cause of this issue or a missing user procedural requirement.

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Great to hear your cams are back up and running. :+1:

That may be related, although my SSID is never hidden.


Updated and now it won’t connect to my internet. I was at this for almost 3 hours and still no luck. What happens now? I did all the resets and tried to go back on firmware but to no avail.

I triggered a restart on all cams this morning. My one problem v3 Pro cam failed to come back online and was inaccessible. I cut the power to the cam for 5 minutes, connected back to power and it came back online.

I updated both v3 pro last night. 1 came back online and the other could not connect to network. Brought it inside, factory reset, and was able to connect and see that firmware was upgraded. Before bringing it outside, I just unplugged it and replugged it right away to see if it would reconnect. IT DID NOT.

After this I power cycle the camera that was working since yesterday, same issue that could not connect to network. Wow, what a mess.

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The one camera that I updated yesterday is continuing to work fine. The one in the truck is a different story. As a refresher, yesterday I attempted the update while my truck was in the parking structure at work where there is a pretty poor WiFi signal. As somewhat expected, the update failed. It took a while, but by the time I left work, the camera had come back on line.
After I got home (very good WiFi signal), I tried the update and again it failed. Camera did not come back on line. Power cycled the camera and it took at least a half hour to reconnect, but eventually did come back on line. Tried the update again, and again it failed. A hour or so later it was still not on line, so went outside and power cycled the camera again. A while later, after the Rangers won the World Series and I was back at my computer, looked at my WiFi status and it showed the camera connected to the WiFi, so I tried pinging the camera IP and the it did respond to pings. Still showing off line on the app. Went to bed. This morning, I checked the camera and it was on line so I tried the update yet again. Update failed, but the camera came back on line and was working (with the older firmware). Drove to work and the camera connected to the WiFi here, but as expected with a very poor signal. Not gonna try it again until I get home.


I am sorry this is happening to everyone, thank you for the detailed reports of the experiences you are seeing. I am talking to the team right now and relaying all this information to them to see if we can find the cause of this.


Can anyone who has a Wyze Cam v3 Pro that is still offline after the update let me know what the status light on the camera is showing?


Flashing red and blue.


I just manually flashed back to previous firmware and everything is back to “normal”. I will wait for the next fix before upgrading.


All of my v3 Pros are currently online. The one v3 Pro that I was having issues with starts with a solid red status light upon power up and then the light turns off and stays off. I assume this is because the cam has completed initialization and I have “Camera Status Light” toggled off in Advanced Settings, even though the cam is inaccessible via app.


flashing red and blue

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If anyone is willing to give us a little more help could you try to get us a microSD card log from the camera with the issue? I understand some will be unable to do this due to camera locations, but any help is appreciated.

MicroSD Log Collection Instructions

When the device shows offline, please take out the microSD card and wait a second before re-inserting the card (or inserting a new microSD card). The camera will then make two “ding” sounds usually within 30 seconds.On your microSD card, there will be a root or log folder with the device log that you can access with a computer. The files are named xxxxx_log.txt. If there are multiple logs, select the most recent log file.

When you have the log, please email it along with a description of the issue and the date, time, and time zone that it occurred to:



I will, but will be a few hours before I can get out of the office and get back to the camera. However, a few hours V3 Pro users will be planning a mutiny.


Update: We are pausing this firmware release while we continue to investigate this issue. Thank you to everyone who has helped and continue to help us in tracking this down.