Updated 2 v3s from the live stream pop-up, 2 v3s from the Device Info page, and a mess of others from the bulk Firmware update page. No problems updating. Also waiting on automatic firmware updates on 2 v3s (not sure if auto/push update works for beta). Will keep an eye out for issues.
BTW: my FLP has been spot on with Person detection turning on flood light. Went into the back yard and the moment I rounded the corner, the light came on.
Boat term Wide Open Throttle. Taking it to the limit to test its capabilities. Putting it thru its paces. Knocking it about and shaking it up to see what falls out.
Mine has as well. It has never missed a true Person Detection Floodlight Activation. These positive activations for a real Person also result in a Person tagged Smart AI Event upload.
The problem is when the sensitivity is increased. I have my FLP Floodlight Activating for Person only. When the sensitivity goes above the low 50s, it will blink the floodlights on and off all night with false Onboard AI Person Detections. These will never get tagged when uploaded and are listed only as Motion Events because the Server AI applies the tag and sees no Person.
I will test the flood light tonight and see. My experience has been a bit different. some time back, my light would kick on with the movement of branches. After the last couple of updates that stopped and now it only activates with person.
I turned pet on as well now, I want to see if it picks up Squirrels or the Foxes that runs around our back yard.
Mine basically has 0 false detections. It works impressively well. I sometimes wish it detected people in a swimming pool at night (dim lighting color vision) a little more sensitively But that is super niche, and it does way better than I would expect. I am not submitting any videos for this either, because I think it would take a lot more training.
I’m going to test the pet detection on one of my FLPros though.
IOS 2.44.0 (4). Cam
Record Motion Events is ON
Smart Detection Events is ON
Person is selected (none else)
The Events tab is reporting: Person, Vehicle, and Motion events for V3 Cam.
Viewing the SD Card Video on my V3 Cams. It appears that there is a lapse in recording for 1 minute from 11:59pm to midnight even though the cam is set to record continuous. But, there is video there and the video plays. Checked this on multiple V3 cams and they all show the same apparent gap that isn’t a gap. Evidence of the same timeline shading gap on other days and other times as well. On all my V3 cams running this firmware.
Oh man, after they just put in a bunch of effort to fix this issue. I wonder why the regress? The fix didn’t get passed forward into another testing batch from a previous version.
Thankfully, they already figured out how to fix this from the last time we reported it, so they should be able to copy the code into this new firmware version to resolve it before it goes public.
Edit: it looks like they said they had scrap the previous build that had the fix in it:
So I am guessing they should be aware of this, but it would be good to make sure they know it’s missing in this particular beta.
Not the same issue. Or their fix for that issue has resulted in an unintended side effect.
That issue was that it was skipping over the play of the first minute of every hour which did show as green video.
This is that it is showing not green, no video, the last minute of every hour but it does not skip it. It plays right thru. It is really a cosmetic bug as it doesn’t affect functionality unless it affects motion event skipping fwd\back.