Updated to new version and all cams went offline, tried to manually update one to 191 and would not connect so re-tried set-up and 191 always times out trying to connect to wifi and will never connect even when next to my router.
Downgraded one cam and all working again so looks like have to go around and manually downgrade all other 6 cams some which are going to be a pain to get to
EDIT: My wifi network is hidden so not sure if the new update fails for that reason but old works
Hi, I think that is a good move. I sent the log files for the 3 cameras. How can my camera work again? Is there a way to revert back? Thank you for your attention.
Consider removing the Update All in the Wyze app.
Just did 1 of my Cam Pan which has a easy reach access to test …and error code 90.
Did the manual downgrade and it fixed my Cam Pan.
Saving the sd card with the old firmware for the next time coming.
I’m glad I didn’t hit ALL…
Not sure if it is my networks but using Asus routers with 2.4 networks “not hidden”, N only, 20 Mhz bandwidth… 23 devices upgraded without a hitch at two separate sites. I was upgrading from .188 to .191
Yeah am running a D-link router and have multiple networks all cams are on own dedicated 2.4 network (my other stuff uses 5ghz networks) but I think is the hidden network that is causing the problem. I might try unhiding to see if updated cameras connect.
Same here, ASUS (RT-AC68U) router, 2.4 GHz and N-only, SSID not hidden … as I mentioned a few hours ago, my six v2 cams all batch updated successfully and have been stable since.
Edit: another issue with CamPlus: One of my two CamPlus records only 12 seconds clips event if it is listed on my CamPlus service.
Edit Solution: Removed and reassigned the service doesn’t resolved the issue. RESTARTING the cam SUCCESS. Problem SOLVED.
Still have the many Failed to upload event… with my 2 cam plus cams.
Thanks! Having worked for companies who do online firmware rollouts, I know the drill all too well. No matter how wide you cast your alpha and beta testing net, it’s never really tested until it rolls out, and the oddball use cases start popping up.
No problem! I was one of the lucky ones who encountered no issues with the upgrade (aside from it failing on my V2 the first 2 attempts. I went back a half hour later and tried again and it worked). Then, they paused it.
I’m on the beta app, so I don’t know if that makes a difference, but my equipment is all non beta AFAIK.
We have a hypothesis about what may be going on. If your Wyze Cam disconnected after the update and could not be brought back online by power cycling, could you please tell me what your time zone is?
Hmm… Notification stopped again. It was working fine until right after the firmware upgrade. This seems started after the midnight. I will try power cycle.
Yeah… no problems on mine either. I was running beta firmware and latest beta app published in IOS Testflight. Not even the slightest glitch on 23 devices.