Wyze Cam Pan V1 was recently assigned to Cam Plus. I’m receiving events that are no longer than 12 seconds increments or less, sometimes with a cooldown having several minutes or a few seconds - is this normal and to be expected?
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Hi eliesk,
Just want to quickly verify. You mean after you assigning the Pan V1 to cam plus. You get cooldown between events and some events are less than 12 seconds?
Any chance you could please submit a log for that camera and please let me know the id? Much appreciated!
I’m not receiving constant results after subscribing to 2 Cam Plus. I’m using WCPv1 and WCOv1
The topic question asks for a specific answer.
To my knowledge, Wyze Cameras with only Cam Lite are limited/restricted to a maximum of 12 seconds or less motion recording, and a minimum of 5 minutes cooldown time.
I just want to know… when WCPV1 is assigned to Cam Plus, what’s expected exactly:
a. What is the maximum length of events/recording - still 12 seconds max?
b. What’s the cooldown time - 0?
That is correct
For Camplus enabled WCO the limit is between 12s to 5min that you can set in the app. For other cameras no limitation on the maximum length.
For Camplus enabled WCO the cooldown can be set between 0-5mins. For other cameras no cooldown time.
You can find details also in here:
If you scroll down to bottom you will see the two explanations for WCO/WCOV2
@WyzeDesmond Thank you for your reply. Granted, your answers apply to WCO.
However, I’m searching for answers regarding the WCP assigned to Cam Plus as per the post heading.
You mean Cam pan? that should have no limitations.
Yes, Cam Pan. That’s exactly the issue. Motions are limited to 11-12 seconds, cooldown time is all over the place between 1 to 9 minutes.
I see. Could you please try unassign the camplus license and then re-assign it again? If issue still exists, please submit a log on that and let me know the ID please. Thanks!
OK, thank you for your supporr. I will do that soon. Do you wish to have the ID code posted here or in a private message?
Private message works better. Thanks for your help!