Smelled smoke yesterday and was surprised when it was coming from my Wyze Cam Pan. Device functioned fine before, had a firmware update the day before it caught fire. Burned my cabinetry too. Still haven’t heard back from the company about this. Anyone else have anything similar happen? It burned where the power cable connects to the swiveling base. Maybe another firmware update will restore it back to a working state? Lol
Tried to post pictures but it wouldn’t allow me to do so.
Oh no! Our apologies for this experience. You said you haven’t heard from us about this yet. May I please have your support ticket number so I can fast track it?
No problem this stuff happens, especially when coming from China. Ticket number is 509288
WOW …that is concerning !
I have 2 Cam pans …
Jeez, hope you/Wyze can get to the bottom of what happened in this scenario!
The only concern to me at this point is how this company has handled it. They responded here once and that’s it. But maybe it’s just due to this pandemic. They seem to respond to almost everyone else. Hopefully they don’t brush this under the rug.
That is interesting after the last firmware update last week my Cam Pan at least did not burst into flames but now does not work. I put in a support ticket and after trying to manually flashing the firmware it still did not work. And since it was over a year old I was out of luck.
Did they ever respond to you and give you a solution? I’m really hoping they at least reply to my inquiry.
You posted this Mar 31, 6:41 PM , you got a response from wyze staff to assist you Mar 31, 6:59 PM
I don’t think you have to worry about them brushing anything under the rug
I’m sorry, I am admittedly slower to get back to things right now.
Thanks for the support ticket number! I checked on this and it looks like the ticket was escalated to management but hadn’t been responded to yet. I just pinged them an alert about this one and expect you to hear back in the near future. Thank you for your patience.
The initial quick response and then lack of responses afterwards is what worried me. But they’ve gotten back to me and I will be waiting to hear back. Some companies do brush this stuff off, happy to hear this isn’t one of them.
Good to hear they got back with you , have faith brother
Fire Hazards usually ended up in Recall.
I can see the design of the pedestal is too thin. . movement cause the plug movements… in time it can cause a short…
I would create a support ticket so they this can be investigated.
Tagging in @UserCustomerGwen for the new thermal event.
I am sorry this has happened, if you have not already you should reach out to support.
When you get your ticket number if you post it here I will push to get it escalated.
Thanks for the tag, folks!
Sorry to hear that this happened. If you put a support ticket number in here, I’d be happy to escalate it for you so we can send you a replacement and take this one back to look into what happened.
Glad my 2 pans are on RTSP firmware, but I did have two V2’s die two days ago exactly 52 seconds apart (according to last frames captured by NX). No fire (that I know of) but their brains are scrambled all the same. Nothing in common but being logged onto the same access point. So personally, I’m sourcing alternatives with common things like ONVIF and RTSP native. So now I can’t even craigslist these things without fear of being sued.
Did you try to reflash the firmware manually to them? I had what I thought was a bricked v2, couldn’t get it to do a darn thing then tried flashing the webcam firmware on it and it came back to life!