Wyze Cam Outdoor WiFi Issue WPA3

The other day, my Wyze Outdoor base station disconnected from wifi and no matter what I did it wouldn’t connect except through ethernet.

I finally figured it out! My router got an update (eero mesh) and enabled WPA3. Turns out, if that setting is on wyze base station won’t connect (but all my other cameras were fine: V2, V3, pan as well as my light bulbs and contact/motion sensors).

So if you’re having trouble connecting the base station to wifi, make sure you have WPA3 disabled.


Great catch on this. Should help others with connection issues. I will definitely add this to my list of options for others to trry.

BTW: Long time no hear, hope all is well with you.

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Yeah, got busy (family vacation in August, got married and road tripped route 66 to Santa Monica from IL - St. Louis area - for the honeymoon in September, swamped at work, Yada Yada Yada). Lol

How’ve you been?

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Thanks! Voted! I must not have searched well enough while troubleshooting, not sure how I missed that!

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I don’t know why Wyze retrofitted WPA3 support via firmware for all cams except original v1 and the WCO base station. Maybe they’ll get it to WCO someday soon. Kudos to you for correctly diagnosing your issue. :+1:


Been doing well. Keeping busy trying to help out. Congrats on the wedding, route 66 must have been awesome.

Welcome back. :slight_smile:

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It was fantastic! We stood on a corner in Winslow Arizona. And if you ever travel there I HIGHLY recommend the La Posada Hotel.


Have not been there, but retirement is around the corner and will plan on doing a trip. :slight_smile:


I have tried so many times to get the hub on WiFi and can’t get it to work anymore. I have TP-link deco x60 mesh with WAP3 off any help would be great.

I’ve looked everywhere for a solution that actually worked. THANK YOU!

I have to use an extender for these because I now have a mixture of devices including three that REQUIRE WPA3 and won’t connect with WPA2. Wyze is not alone in its delays some of my environmental monitors (of very recent manufacture) have the same problems with WPA3, even in mixed mode.

How are you keeping your network secure if you turn off WPA3?

Was it such a fine sight to see?

Best Necro I have seen in a while. Love it


It was!

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@TomG That is a funny picture. Lol


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I have had a Wyze Outdoor cam since they first made them available and I have had nothing but trouble with it connecting ****very spotty. sometimes it would work , most of the time would not, could not depend on it. It was outside , so I bought there router two piece set thinking that would fix it ***it did not. So I moved the camera inside ***same result. Now it went off line and it Will not pair. Nothing I do will make it pair.

This is not a big surprise as I have had three other cameras from Wyze in the past that were plug in cameras do the same thing and I ended up throwing them away.

I have had numerous other Wyze products (bulbs, their air purifier will not stay on Wifi. , I work on it and it connects for awhile and then goes off line again. It has been doing that since I originally bought it.

I am very frustrated with Wyze. They are doing to much with new product and not enough with making the existing product work right.

The customer service on issues and problems has become a joke, like their automated help line. When they first went into business you could actually talk to someone from this country, they have become like every other company and apparently shipped there customer service overseas. I have bought a lot of this stuff from them and I am considering dumping it all and going to Reolink.