Wyze Cam APP New Version 3 on Android ----- Update- Install issue

My Android device checked for Google updates
New Wyze app was downloaded and installed

Start up app

NOTHING but the Wyze Startup screen

The Prior version of Wyze app was working perfectly fine, until the NEW app update

Now I cannot get into view my Wyze Cams to view

Seems this update was not tested enough

I would try deleting the app , restarting your device, then reinstalling a fresh copy of the app.


Thank you
I ended up doing that after I posted
So much for “In Place” upgrades

They should fix this issue, because Google Play updates download the New app, instlalls it, and it wont run ( just the startup screen shows)

Odd. The upgrade worked fine on four of my devices.

The forums is a user-to-user Community. The official way to report problems and get assistance is to contact wyze support. That way issues can be escalated to the proper teams.

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Try deleting the cache and restarting. Settings → Apps → Pick Wyze app → Storage and Cache → Clear Cache

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I normally post to the user groups because it is a fast way to receive feedback or experiences by others.

Overall I bypassed the issue, by uninstalling the old version and installing the new

But this does not address the issue that caused it.
So it is something for Wyze to be aware of.

Thanks for recommendation.
Overall I bypassed the issue, by uninstalling the old version, and installing the new

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Which is why its very important to contact Support to report issues like this. :slight_smile: There is sometimes Wyze employees in the forums to help run the community, but its not the Support staff.

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But I am not the beta tester
Thats the Beta testor’s job to report it to Support

Like I mentioned before, I fixed / addressed the issue myself.
in 15-20 minutes, after I posted to the issue community board.

Didn’t have time to wait to file a support ticket, ( since the 3.0 upgrade tanked my working Wzye -prior version app. which lead to no access to any camers) and couldn’t wait hours/days for a response back from Wyze Tech Support.

I understand very well how IT works, I work in the field
Appreciate the feedback.

Well unfortunately I’ll have to let you know I beta test for this app for this version and have been doing it for at least two weeks. Just started having a major issue last night to where everything is wiped itself out of the app but it still remembers my devices names in certain sections and I have sent a couple of emails and tickets to wyze they’re just closed in support. I am hopeful that somebody saw it before I noticed and reported it so that the support and technical staff it wyze Will be able to fix it so that it doesn’t affect everybody else because I haven’t seen no one listing anything like what I’m having as far as problems go inside of this app.

Because of the nature of the beta software releases, if Support is made aware then they just forward to the appropriate team for investigation. Support assists with production products and services. You should find the beta app launch topic in the beta forum here for that version you have and post your experience there so the Wyze employee s that made the topic can see your feedback, logs numbers, ticket numbers etc.