Wyze Bridges not working

I very much believe in the Wyze products and own most of them. I have 11 cameras and multiple contact sensors and motion sensors. Over a year ago I bought a Wyze bridge and then shortly after that a second bridge because some of my contact sensors were too far away from the original bridge. Both bridges worked well, but the second bridge stopped working after about 11 months. Wyze was kind enough to send me a new bridge. That new bridge installed fine and could be seen, but when I tried to add a contact or motion sensor, it never saw them. I tried with the bridge in different cameras with the same results. As a result I set up all my contact sensors and motion sensors on my one remaining bridge. The contact sensors a little farther away from the bridge would frequently stop functioning. Recently the one remaining bridge also stopped working altogether. Again, I tried it in multiple cameras to no avail. Has anyone else had this kind of issues with the Wyze bridges? For the first 10-11 months everything worked well but now I am down to no bridges that work. I have 6 contact sensors and 4 motion sensors that cannot function without a bridge.


My bridge has been going out intermittently, but comes back online with a soft reboot of the host cam via the app. I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come as I add more Wyze Sense devices to my smart home architecture. Its bad enough that I have to depend upon IFTTT to interface Wyze with ST.

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I am not sure your problem is the same as mine, but that is what I experienced with my two bridges. Eventually the soft reboot would not work and I had to do a hard reboot by unplugging power to the camera. In time this failed to fix the problem. I hope this is not what happens to you. I am not sure what to do since I cannot purchase a bridge by itself and I do not need any more sensors. I have not had any problems with the other Wyze products- cameras, scale, etc. I assume my contact sensors and motion sensors are still working as well, but the bridge is not working so I cannot see them.

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My Son is having this issue with his, but it is only with the Wyze Sense motion sensors not the the CONTACT sensor is fine, seems to have happen after the most recent Firmware update to the cameras, Have had NO issues until after the Update.
Have rebooted the camera numerous times but the MOTION SENSORS have never came back, last time they worked was on July 28th.

I have not tries to delete an re add but was hoping it was something with the update and that it would be corrected.


I am having the same issue. If I replace a bridge, does the MAC change and do I have to reconnect all my sensors? That is a major pain as I have apps that depend on their index position in the app - TinyCam Pro for instance.

I had a connection issue with my bridge that was connected to my pan cam. Every so often it wouldn’t register and I’d have to reboot. I eventually came to the conclusion that it had to be the USB port. I moved my bridge to the regular cam about 6 months ago and haven’t had a problem since.

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My bridge is also connected to a Pan Cam. I will try to move it to another camera.

Well I guess I’m part of the club after this latest software upgrade I started to see issues my sensors were reacting slowly I was getting issues trying to pull up my videos on my iPhone I’m having issues viewing my videos off of my Alexa echo show now none of my sensors are working. I have tried resetting my bridge I’ve tried resetting my sensors I accidentally bought a second sensor starter kit so I tried those sensors I tried the bridge nothing seems to work after this new software update


My Bridge stopped seeing all of my sensors motion/door earlier tonight. It’s got a blue light. It was going out to a yellow light earlier this week. It’s been often on for the last few days since the last major set of updates.

I’m wondering if tonight‘s motion sensor is not even showing off (cloud with slash) has anything to do with a recent update.


I’m noticing strange camera behavior tonight and sensors are not communicating with the bridge. Something is going on.

Possibly related to this


I am guessing that why is having an issue talking to the Amazon Alexa servers. Because my motion sensors keep activating and deactivating my lights seemingly at random but it’s probably extremely delayed from the last time I left the room.

Um, I don’t think so, as the op is dated 8 days ago.
I’ve been having issues all week long, two bridges. Does not matter which cameras I have them in!

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My bridge hasn’t worked since last night. I’m guessing the server issues still haven’t been resolved.

The delay is shorter than it was last night. My sensors work but the delay makes it seem like they don’t. At first. Then the notification comes late.

I am so frustrated because RTSP firmware makes all my sensors offline.

Wow just looked at my Pan camera and it to is having issues tracking and ghost scans. I can’t wait until they fix these issues with new fully tested software update.

Same here this Server issue did not fix the Wyze Sense motion sensors, still show offline and I even rebooted the Cam that the Bridge is in for these Wyze Sense motion sensors.

So that my suffering won’t be a total loss, I’m sharing my experience here hoping it will save some of you a lot of time and frustration because I hope someone would to do the same for me.

I have had similar issues with the bridges failing and sensors not able to connect. I have 6 cameras and 4 bridges. All bridges would stop tracking sensors randomly. I go through all the soft, hard, repluging procedures and sometimes they come back but now all but one of my bridges don’t work anymore no matter what I try to do.

Also about $200 (masses of motion sensors and contact sensors) in sensors don’t seem to connect anymore even with the one bridge that is still working for me. I’ve even tried to replace sensors with new batteries…fail…fail…fail. I’m no idiot regarding IOT. I’m a developer/programmer with 20 years of experience so, the fails have nothing to do with my installations. I really wanted consumer ready products so I did not have to program at work and at home. Wyze sense unfortunately is not the answer. I have spent almost a year buying and trying their products wanting them to work.

I have come to the conclusion that the only Wyze product worth buying are the cameras. I can’t recommend the Wyze Sense system to anyone. I have multiple other hub systems. For the consumer, I highly recommend using Wifi smart devices with Amazon Echo. If you need more sophistication, my next recommendation is the Smartthing hub. If you are a developer, there are great solutions like Home Assistant which is now where I think I will go next. Again, I don’t recommend the Wyze sense system at all. I have actually spent more money on Wyze sense than I would have on any other system and all but the cameras are virtually unusable. 1/2 of their sense products will break in the first month. the other 1/2 will die over the next year.

I really wanted to believe in the Wyze sense products but after hundreds of dollars on wyze sense and hours upon hours of wasted time and frustration I can recommend the cameras as an awesome value for $20 but nothing else.

If you got some sensors working for you, be happy for it and my recommendation would be to plan to migrate to another solution when they fail…and they will.


Bridge and sensors have been the only frustration I have had with Wyze.

I have 8 V2’s and they have always worked flawlessly (and still do). Last year i bought a Bridge starter kit and installed it in one of the cameras, placing the 2 contact sensors on doors. All has and does continue to work 100%. I then bought a box of 4 additional contact sensors and they all work fine as well.

I decided to buy another starter kit (sadly the only way to get another bridge). It arrived but would not work although it shows ready to connect. I have tried it in all 7 remaining cameras, and no sensors will pair to it, even the ones I had working with my original bridge.

Contact Wyze, after troubleshooting online they said the Bridge was defective and mailed me out another one.

That one arrived and has had the exact same problems: no sensor will connect to it no matter what cam it is placed in. Once again after online support they are mailing yet another bridge.

If I end up with a THIRD bridge that simply won’t function, I will be giving up. I will let the old original bridge run until it dies but will be investing no more time or cash in WyzeSense.

All future purchases (WCO’s, future doorbell cam, future T-Stat…) are doubtful