Wyze app 3.x - Additions and changes

I thought of some minor wishes I’d like to add to this list:

  1. I wish the “search” field in the devices tab was “pinned” to the top like it is in the forums or websites. Many times I have started to scroll to find one of my devices, forgotten exactly how I named it, struggled to find it in my list of 300+ Wyze devices, then scrolled all the way back to the top to type in the type of device it is (ie: “air” to get all air Purifiers to show up) and every time I think it feels weird to have to scroll to a search field. I’ve never had to do that on anything else that I remember. Search fields are always pinned for easy access.
  2. When I’m in the devices tab and I hit “back” (back swipe on Android), I keep expecting that it will “back” me out to the default screen (favorites page), but it just closes the app without warning. I feel like the last back swipe should take me to the default screen of the favorites page before the app minimizes on me unexpectedly.
  3. This is a personal preference… I wish new favorites were added to the bottom of the favorites page instead of the top. It’s really annoying to me because I set up my favorites tab and devices tab to have my most frequently used and most important devices at the top. But when I add new things, they automatically go to the top and make me have to reorder them back to the bottom. This is the main reason why I only added a few devices to my favorites tab instead of most of my devices because it will be too much work to have to keep rearranging every since device I try to add to the favorites tab, so I mostly avoid it now (besides several main device groups) and just use the “search” field in the devices tab to find the device I need. That search field is a life saver when you have hundreds of devices.