Hail Mary
Can someone please backend restore the little toggle guy for Hardware Decoder (GPU) in Android app? The lack of it is bogging up practical app use in an ‘it’s always something’ kinda way for persons with poor person phones.
Hail Mary
Can someone please backend restore the little toggle guy for Hardware Decoder (GPU) in Android app? The lack of it is bogging up practical app use in an ‘it’s always something’ kinda way for persons with poor person phones.
The decoder originally was in the Accounts > App Settings.
Then in December it was moved to individual cameras, if appropriate.
Now I can’t find it anywhere. I have noticed a slow down on b603, b604, and now b607. Before I could stream a group of 10. Now I’m lucky to stream a group of 7.
Anyone find where, or if, the decoder settings have moved.
Going to back out of b607. Memory has been affected. Am now getting Android 14 barking at me.
Going back to PR
Biting my tongue!!
Decided to stay in a while longer. Now am getting an Android memory warning.
According to running services I’m currently using 1.6 GBytes of memory. As you can see wyze app has been running for 60+ hours. App is still functioning.
I’m letting this run until something happens (breaks). I would hope at some point the Wyze app or Android would say “This is crazy, auto restarting the phone”
I’m interested to hear what happens.
1.7GB is a lot. Assuming the app is mostly in the background, Android should normally reclaim needed memory from background apps. It could be a memory leak, or be indicative of some kind of background tasks, like not releasing the live stream when you switch to another app, as though it’s doing Picture-in-picture or some kind of baby monitoring type of thing. In the past I had a bug where the live stream would keep going in the background when I switched apps and I only noticed when someone started talking through my phone because the camera audio started playing and I found it was still streaming. Maybe a bug like that came back.
Check the memory use for the Wyze app occasionally and see if that number keeps going up. That might show us if it’s likely a memory leak.
Actually, you may consider turning on “Memory Profiling” in the “Developer Settings”…although that will force you to restart your phone, so maybe wait and try that later. I’ll go turn it on for myself and see if I can track the Wyze App for a few hours. I’ll set it for about 3 hours to start with, and may run a longer test later.
It is specifically designed to help with this kind of thing and detect memory leaks and visualize memory consumption.
Before I restarted my phone, I just checked my running services and even though I have Wyze open in the background, for me, the Wyze app only shows up as a smaller cached background process, not a running process. I will try to remember to leave it running for a while and see if it gets much above 300MB
So there may be something more unique happening to you for some reason. It would be nice to figure it out. But nearly 2GB is excessive. It should clean itself better.
I’ve been fighting this for months, it started early in the release of app ver 3x.
Over past 3 months I’ve spent over 30 person hours trying to find what is causing the leak.
What has been done.
Every release of ver 3 app (beta included) caches cleaned and app reinstalled.
Systematically gone through all apps on the phone to see if I can see an interaction between an app and wyze. This was a PITA as each test took approx 2 days for the memory to grow >700mBytes. At which time my grouped cameras would start getting bouncing balls–forced stop.
About a month ago I started looking at myself. Was I abusing the app. Yes. On any given day I may open and close the app 50 times. Memory GC should have taken care of recovering memory. I also tried the order I did things. No help.
Finally, about Xmas time, I upgraded from an S21 ultra to an S24 ultra. This would cure the leak. Not
When I first fired up the s24 I made a decision to restore the phone from s21. Restore went fine. I fired up wyze and to my dispare the memory grew just as before-- force stop.
Now I was not happy. Over the past week I have factory reset the new phone 5 times. Each time not restoring the phone. Only installing the wyze app.
Brand new flagship phone with one app-wyze. Same leak. Force stop.
On my last factory reset I went so far as to not allow any of the samsung/Google bloatware to update. Same leak. Force stop.
I did observe some interesting caveats.
After a factory reset the wyze app would not show up in running services. I found it in “cached services”. It stayed in cached services for a few hours. During this time the memory was the lowest I had ever seen 200-300mBytes. The app was as fast as I had seen. Then the app appeared in running services. Same leak-force stop.
My latest test has been running over 60+ hours. I am not clearing memory with a force stop. I just keep using the app. Yesterday Android barked about background battery usage. Today it barked about memory usage. As I type this memory is over 2Gbytes.
For clarification my normal usage, and what I refer to as my litmus test, is a group of ten cams in a group. The ten cams cover our house and property. After a force stop, the memory is low, the group is snappy, I can scroll through all ten cameras within 25 seconds, and That includes 2- WBCP’s. As the leak grows I start getting bouncing balls, time jumps, image freezing. This typically starts around 700Mbytes. By 1Gbyte I have had enough.
I am running out of ideas other than Wyze has a memory problem.
I’m going to add that I still think there is an elephant in the room. When I bring up my group as I scrool through the cameras each camera starts to stream as I pass through on screen focus. The cameras continue to stream for approx 35 seconds. This was introduced a couple of months ago when wyze fixed the non group cameras constantly streaming. In the process they messed up or has reason to put a 35 second timer on grouped cameras.
I’ll keep an eye out, but so far it doesn’t seem to be happening to me for some reason. My app went back down under 200MB Cached background process (160MB). Average memory use since I turned on Memory profiling is under 6MB. Though I have a Pixel phone. I wonder if there is some kind of incompatibility bug between Wyze and the Samsung One UI (not the fault of one or the other specifically since other apps work fine on Samsung without that issue and Wyze works fine on other brands without the “One UI” so in a way it is kind of both).
I’ll keep running memory profiling for a while, but so far it’s barely using anything even though I streamed on a few different cameras for a while.
In the Wyze app are you running any GPS location rules? in the account tab under app settings do you have running in the background toggled on or off? (mine is off)
Interesting that you are seeing it cached. Other than the first few hours after a factory reset I never see it cached. Of note a while back I fired up a retired S10. I did see it cached. I did not test long enough to see if it stayed cached.
No GPS location.
Interesting that you bring up the “running In background”. A few days ago when I had both the s21 and s24 in hand (it can get confusing ) I noticed that the s21 seemed to be running fine but the s24 was getting flakey. At that time I thought the two phones were configured the same. They were not. The s21 had the feature on, the s24 off. It made no sense but on the surface it appeared to be helping. I am currently running with it on. As soon as wyze, Samsung or myself restart the phone I will switch it to off and retest (minimum 3 days).
Meanwhile I’ll come up to speed on the profiler.
I cannot find Memory Profiler. A quick search came back that it may be part of Android Studio.
I’ve been looking in Developer Options. Am I looking in the right place?
It sounds like a tool I’d like to add to the toolbox.
For me it’s the first section under developer settings. Here’s the real wording:
It’s possible that Samsung decided to change it in their One UI though. Sometimes things are different.
Bummer, Samsung decided we are not worthy. They did not expose this feature.
FYI. I restarted the phone last night. Before restart memory was at 2.1 gBytes. App was still functional. App had been running for 80 hours. This was a new record for me.
After restart app was at 190 mBytes. It is now at
What is driving me a bit bat crazy is how can I be the only person seeing this? My house must be located in the “Zone of Memory Leaks” bubble.
Floodlight Pro still doesn’t have as card option. When you click on a recorded clip then click jump to sd card, it does nothing but show the live feed
When you are in the event screen and filter to the Floodlight Pro, you see the recorded event playing. When you tap on the SD Card it will shift over to the Live Stream view, but activate the SD Card at the time of the event you came from.
On the Live Stream screen you should see the GO LIVE button below the stream. When you click on that it actually will switch to the Live Stream.
Are you not seeing that? Can you post some pictures for us?
Yes so this is the screen I have when I view it live. No sd card option and no siren option. I just tried it again but jump to sd card is gone now too
I’m trying to understand what’s going on and help as I also have an S24 Ultra and switched from S23 Ultra. As far as I can see I haven’t had any memory leak on either.
But I’m not running the Wyze app 60 to 80 hours. If I’m understanding correctly. Old and slow.
You may already know of Samsung Good Guardians app. (Their app store) Theres a memory piece in there along with other tools, with some custom memory settings that may or may not apply to your issue. Just a suggestion.
I’m running b607.
Thanks @G2740,
Going to check out Good Guardians.
Just installed PR 3.3.0 609. Memory started at 199mBytes. After 11 minutes, 400mBytes.
By chance, if your watching the Wyze app in Running Services, do you see calls to Google every minute or so.
Like I said earlier, going bat crazy.
If you mean running services in Developer Tools, I do not see anything abnormal, but mentioning Google play makes me want to suggest deleting reinstall, updating or whatever the process is for Google Play.
If some other running services, you’ll have to point me.
Have you tried clearing phone cache partition? May or may not help.