Wyze app 3.0 - Released 7/24/2024

Ah ok, I understand.
Unfortunately, I can’t recreate the same behaviour with an existing group (imported from the old app) or created in the new app…

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I know nothing ‘inside’ about Wyze. I’m inferring, making what seems to me a somewhat educated guess, that they may be going ‘breakneck’ to achieve some overall plateau before another greater-world disruption turns things topsy-turvy.

Therefore accepting the customer brickbats in service of some state of ‘good’ they are aiming for because ‘very good’ or ‘perfect’ are unrealistic and possibly hazardous to long term survival in the context of a changed environment they project.

I find the new app much much faster to connect than the previous app & thumbnails didn’t work properly in the old app anyway (always displayed images from days ago instead of the last time you connected).
I also haven’t seen the error codes I often got when trying to view the cloud recordings from the old app (not sure if these improvements are due to the new app or cloud improvements).

Being able to create the favourites page how I want it is also a big improvement over the old app.

I would say this version gives much more flexibility to more users to have the app how they want.
Keep in mind Wyze is trying to make an app for all of the users who can use the app in different ways.

Yes there are some things that could be added or improved but it’s a step in the right direction in my opinion…

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“faster to connect than the previous app” needs a little more context.

It’s like Microsoft’s Edge browser. It loads most of its routines at Windows’ boot time so when you open it, it’s fast, unlike other browsers that need to load evrything from scratch.

Same with Wyze app 3.0. If you leave it in the background, the cams are already pre-connected, which it does the first time you open the app. It “connects” fast. The con is that it uses more of your phone battery.

However that’s not the usual case; people force-close the app more often to conserve the battery. Then if you have several cameras, it tries to connect them all even if you don’t plan to view them. This isn’t what app 2.5 does.

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With the old app to view only 1 camera I would wait 5s or more for it to connect, authenticate then buffer the steam & there was often times when I had to “retry” because the connection failed.

With the new app I am able to open a group and within 1 or 2s I am able to view the live feed of several cameras simultaneously.
This is much more convenient than before if someone is at the front door for example.

I haven’t noticed any difference in battery drain due to the Wyze app in the last few weeks & from my router “live traffic” there is no connection from cameras to my phone when I switch the app to the background (50-100kb from each camera that is streaming with the app open & a few bytes periodically once the app goes to the background.

I did experience the bug with the monitoring tab settings I mentioned previously in this thread with the cameras permanently streaming to the cloud but I think this existed also in the old app & it’s no longer present if I don’t use the “Away” state.

Between your take and the many posts in this forum about slow connect times and why they want to roll back the app, I’d tend to believe the latter.

Wyze has sold over a million cameras so should have several 10s of thousand active users…

If you want, you can believe than Wyze has released an app so bad that every single user has a degraded experience & are just not telling the truth.

However, I would expect the app is working for the majority of users & the users in the forum are the unlucky ones who are having trouble.

I wasnt part of the beta tested for the new app and havent read the comments from the thread before the official roll out but again I’d assume most of the beta testers didn’t complain about slow connection otherwise Wyze wouldn’t have continued to launch the app.

The tech websites are usually quick to jump on Wyze when there’s a problem & I haven’t seen anything about the new app whereas for Sonos they are taking quite a bashing in the press.

I’m not saying that there aren’t issues for some people but to dismiss someone who says the app is working for them just because it doesn’t work for a few is missing the bigger picture

I never sad that. Point it out pls.

The consensus is that it’s worse for a sizeable chunk of its user base.

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Today is he 22nd of August. The app was released on 24th of July. A revision is already beta testing. Tell me Wyze works this hard. There are bugs still on the books for years. It certainly isn’t the result they expected from a first release.

Not only that, an update has been released to production ( for Android and for iOS) within the past day[1][2], though I haven’t yet seen an announcement post in Wyze News or on Discord.

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70 or 100 users isn’t a “sizeable chuck of the userbase” unless there are only handful of users.
Most people who come to a forums don’t come to say everything’s great, they come because there are problems.
So the consensus amount the people that have issues with the app is that there are issues with the app.

A curio. :slight_smile:

Discord poll made by another user [with biased wording] had a REALLY low sample size, but still overall positive response:

Not too surprising though, considering Discord is generally more positive than most of the platforms, so not accurately representative there either.

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Discord is weird. The poll’s are weird. Everyone’s a little too happy. Weird. :wink:

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Wait… I’m looking for a post to promote, save some attention, it’s good.


Eureka! :coin:


Why does this app keep changing all of my camera resolution to SD or 360? I set them to HD or 2.5 and later I see SD or 360. I don’t have connection problems except for all of the simultaneous Live Stream of cams in the Favorites. And No, I do not want to group cams to make Wyze happy. I already have one group of 4 cams and rest I do not want to group. Sorta getting tired of “grouping” fixes many issues.

The resolution drops if the camera connection can’t sustain the bit rate needed for the higher resolution.

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Now it makes more sense why this 3.0 app sucks. Never happened with the previous version. Has to be all of my cams going Livestream when I don’t want them too. If an incident needs to be retrieved from my sd card and its on SD, then the video will be degraded.

It happens in app 2.5, too. It all depends how “noisy” the current WiFi environment is. App 3.0 might or might not make it worse.

If you have connection problems, try my workaround; remove all entries in the “Favorites” tab. See if the cameras connect faster. Then try putting back the ones you really need. In my case, I only put in shortcuts to turn cameras and floodlights on/off.

Can confirm it did this in the previous app too but it displayed a message saying “network problems try switching to a lower resolution” or something like this at the time.

I would hope that the recording to the SD card is independent of the streaming quality.
There’s no reason why the SD card shouldn’t record at max quality all the time.