3.0 App needs to be dumped

So…whenever there is a substantial change to the way things work, there is often much frustration and resistance. People tend not to like change if they are reasonably happy with the status quo.

I’m enrolled in the Beta program, so I’ve been using the new app interface for a few weeks now. When it first dropped, I was not a happy camper. Wyze got an earful from me and many others about missing functionality and features.

They listened and have addressed the most significant issues quickly and have even tackled some of the nit-noi stuff. At this point, I can honestly say I like the new app better. But I only have 10 cameras (used to have 17). Those with many more cameras and devices likely have legitimate ongoing complaints that I don’t have to deal with.

I have 7 cams (mix of V3, OG, and V4) in a group and 3 WCO V1 cams, not grouped. The group and the 3 Outdoor cams are all on the Favorites tab. They are very responsive and the 7 grouped cams load up pretty quickly when I open the group (the cams in view go live as I scroll them into view). I also added the Wyze Base Station to the Favorites tab and it appears as its own button.

The Outdoor cams don’t show a live view unless I click on them. But I don’t, because there is no easy way to turn off the live view and that runs down the battery. Instead, I click on the Wyze Base Station button and open each cam individually from there (and they behave exactly as in the old app).

I added shortcuts to the Favorites tab to turn on & off my garage cam. I also added a shortcut to turn my Wyze Base unit on/off at the bottom of the Favorites tab, so I can refresh the Outdoor cams manually.

For me, this setup works great. If I had a need to turn on/off any specific camera(s) within the group, I could create shortcuts for those too. It would be nice if Wyze gave us a single toggle on/off shortcut option, but my setup does the trick pretty painlessly.

Hopefully, this helps some of you set up your Favorites tab in a way that works for you, as I believe the Favorites tab is the key to getting the most out of the system.

Things aren’t perfect…lots of things still need improvement, but from my perspective, the new app interface is a step forward.