2 weeks with APP 3.0. It Still needs to be Dumped

For those Struggling to use their WYZE devices in the New App, you’re not alone. Until Wyze makes some sort of official statement concerning the fixes planned to make the App usable again, we’re left to fester in our own frustrations.

One has to wonder if Wyze is patting themselves on the back in the App 3.0 is great bubble or if they’re working to fix the wrongs they made in the new release.

Customers like me would like to know as we will soon become ex-customers if things aren’t fixed.


How about telling what you think is wrong with it. I’ve been using it for a month or so - it’s working perfectly. So far most of the reported issues are not bugs or problems, but rather people not knowing how to use it and what has changed.


What? Are you a Wyze developer? Your statement rings developer. It is not about how the app is organized. It is the fact that cameras disconnect and show offline and take a while to refresh live stream. This happened immediately after the app was pushed to iOS. They sometimes connect, but this app update is pathetic. Sorry to hurt your feelings developer.


I am not a developer - just a long time user (beta user for almost everything I own).
I can’t speak much about iOS. I have the Wyze app on my work forced on me iPhone, but almost all of my use is on my android. I have not noticed any appreciable difference in cameras showing off-line.

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You haven’t seen the many many posts from me and others concerning our concerns?
Just for you, I will recap.

  1. Devices Tab - I have about 80 devices. I used to have just groups listed which reduced my list down to about 20. Now, All devices are listed regardless of group membership, plus the groups themselves. I have over 100 items listed. Makes this tab extremely difficult to impossible to find the device I’m looking for.

  2. Favorites Tab - Anything I favorite automatically Streams out of the gate unless in a favorite Group. Not a good thing even if you have only 6 cameras, let alone 40. If people like this, it should be a setting in preferences to automatically stream when on the favorites Tab.

  3. Favorites Tab - Why are automatons included in the same group as cameras? Favorite Automatons should be in their own Tab. This was another instance where everything is mashed together.

  4. Favorites Tab - For Plug Groups - The BIG white space when pressed will Activate all the plugs on or off. The Tiny Arrow allows you to go in and select individual plugs.
    Completely Backwards on how it should be. Not everyone has tiny fingers and a big screen smartphone.

  5. Does not connect 1/2 the time to Outdoor cameras. Comparing the old app to the new app, it fails to connect 50% of the time. When it does connect, it fails to stay connected.
    I still have the Old app on 1 device. It doesn’t experience these issues.

  6. Cache Image for cameras is gone. WTF Who thought this was a good idea? Again, make this a preference if people don’t like the cached images.

  7. Lacking preferences to allow selection of a preferred tab when going into the App.

  8. They claim you can add devices to more than 1 group now. Great, but get rid of devices in the device List once they are in at least 1 group.

I BETA tested the new app and provided feedback that when into the abyss.


It’s about both for me.

You can reorganize the Device tab so that Grouped devices show first. This will reduce the list to the 20 at the top.

I believe this is being looked at. However, I only put the most important cameras there for live streaming and then created a group called Perimeter where I have all of my cameras for the outdoor there.

Some of the cameras do have the option for not auto streaming, like the Battery Cam Pro and Video Doorbell Pro.

I think this one is suggestive. I like the ability to add some of the Automations to the Main favorites page. Just like before, you can put the Shortcuts on the Favorites page.

This has been reported and Wyze is looking into it. However, this is also a suggestive thing. When I press a plug button I expect it to go on or off. In groups I could go either way. As I said this has been reported and, from what I understand, is being looked at.

Not experiencing this issue at all. All of my cameras are connecting quickly and without issues. Have you reached out to Wyze on this and submitted a Log?

Yep, missing as you indicated. I also liked this option and a number of individuals have reported this.

Reported to Wyze in the past. I also agree it should be the option of the user. But the norm, even with Google Home is to show the Favorites tab. If the Favorites tab is setup how you would like it, then defaulting to the Favorites tab is not a huge issue.

This is something that should be user specific. I prefer to see the devices and not have them disappear because they are in groups. Sometimes I want to see one camera and having to find which group would be more frustrating to me.

This is also similar to item 1 above. So best thing to do is reorganize your Device tab to put groups first. I prefer devices first as most of my grouped devices are on my favorites tab.

Most are not experiencing these issues, have you reached out to Wyze and provided logs on this. If you have, can you post the logs and ticket here please?

So it looks like most of the technical issues are with iOS. This thread had iOS in the description. Users with Androids should not respond on iOS issues please.

The new app is terrible on IOS. Cameras go offline, slow to load and just unreliable. Bring back the old app. At least it worked.


I too am having really slow load times if they even load at all. I have little to no control over my motion cams. Last app version wasnt what I would consider great but this one is worse. Seems like everytime i try to use the app i need to do a clear cache. I do love the favorites feature with live feed just wish the cameras would load (I only have 6 as favorites). Great idea, just has some kinks that still need to be worked out. I am not IOS but am having the same issues.

I see you joined 3 days ago. Welcome.

This is a cross-platform application. We try not to segregate operating systems, but do try to be helpful volunteers.

I just update to IOS, then deleted the wyze app and reinstalled it. Seems to be working much better.


I did this on one device and I have to agree - it appears to be better. Not perfect, but improved.

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Same here. Woke up a few days ago and it was installed on my dedicated tablet. It took me through 3-4 steps on how to use it then off and running.
The only thing I haven’t figured out is how to watch multiple cameras simultaneously. (In my case, 4)
I also notice the live views seem to take a few seconds longer.
What puzzles me the most is how they can work perfectly one day, then be practically useless the next.
I have 12 cameras. All show excellent connections and a fiber optic 300 Mbps connection.

Installed on my ipad a week ago. Seems to be fine to me other than some squirrely landscape stuff (same as the 2.5 app) and missing still shots on the device tab. 12 cameras here and I do have cameras organized in groups.

Other than the dumb decision to remove the still shots from the device tab the new app seems like an improvement to me.

Wow, I’ve been contacting Wyze for the last few days about this. All my cameras either go offline on the app or takes a long time to load up video on the feed its just a really bad update. I keep getting also errors with my cameras but its ridiculous because it says my cameras is offline yet I can see it on Web View or it says on Web View my camera is offline but I can see it on the App.
Not to mention I already did everything they told me to do like it was my fault their app or cameras don’t work properly. Why do I have to reconnect all my cameras when they were working fine? Why do I have to restart my modem? The problem is on their end and they just want to say its something on my end.

So since the update I keep getting cameras offline, video feed takes forever to load up, I keep getting error codes 14, 20016, 210022. Plus even my vacuum doesnt let me know where its at and what areas it has covered anymore. This is bad, really bad!

I agree. Maybe I’m just not used to it, but I find it counterintuitive AND basically a pain in the hiney. I miss the old app!

I’ve used it since this Sunday August 11 with only one little aggravation which was camera groups. With a little patience and a bit of fiddling around that came together. I have 21 cams, five door sensors, robot vac, two door cams, three door locks, four power plugs, Wyze alarm, two Wyze wireless cams and Wyze WiFi Pro All of this integrated quite nicely. It reminded me of the transition in Windows upgrades over the years. It’s all there you just have to find it and how it likes to be used.

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