When tapping on Events, app crashes on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite tablet. Seems to work fine on my LG phone.
yes, after a system update and now forcing me to pay for cloud after several years of having the cameras, same is happening in both viewing modes. very frustrating and needs attention since i am now being forced to pay and cannot view events
To obtain your 12 second recordings and 5 minute cool-down as you have had before go to the services area and subscribe to Cam Plus Lite. you will be able to enter in a Custom amount you would be willing to pay - Even $0. After doing this, you will be able to associate your camera’s to Cam Plus Lite and as an added benefit, you will be able to get Person Notification as well.
Hi, yes i understand that process and it has been performed. Also performed at same time was the system update to the app and / or cameras. The issue is with the system update recently installed on my tablet. I have samsung tab android operating system and,after the update,events can no longer be viewed as the app crashes when trying to access. Please help asap as i can no longer use after now paying for use
After upgrading my Samsung Galaxy Tab A to yesterday from previous 2.28.1.version the app now instantly crashes when I open the Events screen. I have to restart the app to get back to other functions. Everything related to Events was working fine before this upgrade. I have CamPlus on 4 of 5 cameras. Is it possible for me to revert back to an earlier version that works properly? Based on other posts, I believe this .109 issue is affecting upgrades on all Samsung Android tablets.
I have been using a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 for several years to successfully run the various versions of the WYZE app and view my WOC and V3 cam events. The tablet currently runs Samsung’s version of Android 11. I am on Cam Plus Lite. Before the 2.28.1 (109) update (i.e. yesterday morning) …all good.
After the update, the WYZE app crashes every time I attempt to I try to access the event tab. Other tabs appear to function correctly, But…but I’m kinda interested in events, you know?
Please help with this guys !
Today I posted about this problem in another section with more traffic simply to see if other Samsung users are having this same issue and might have discovered a workaround. Also as cautionary info to prevent other Samsung users who haven’t yet upgraded from suffering the same fate. That post was immediately deleted by Wyze. Okay, I get it: the company is happy to have bad news about this issue conveniently buried in this section that few people read. Based on this experience I assume it will be a long wait before we get anything done about this …
I have an older Tab S2 (Android 7) that’s still running the previous app version. Events are readily viewable.
Advice to Samsung users: if you haven’t updated yet, turn auto-update features off and save yourself some unexpected grief.
Same here. After update this morning, clicking event tab crashes the app. Android on Samsung tablet. Wyze version Android version 9. Working fine on my Motorola phone. Wyze version Android version 11. I would strongly recommend that you DO NOT update your Wyze app until they resolve this debacle!
Same here, crashes on Samsung. Tablet but. OK on Pixel 6xl
Same, App crashes when trying to view events! Samsung Tab S6, Makes my camera basically useless. Wyze needs to acknowledge this ASAP
Having same issue. Is Wyze addressing this problem? Cannot access events.
I have the same isse, could you detail your workaround.
After upgrading my Samsung Galaxy Tab to wyze app version; the app crashes when I open the Events screen. I have to restart the app to get back to other functions. Any known workarounds. Or is a fix being worked on by wyze?
thanks for any help or info
Issue resolved on my Tab A.
Resolved. Thank you
I having the same issue, and I’m paying for four license cam pluss and only show two out of the four camera, it use to show the events at the app before, but now crash every time .