App Crashes as soon as I hit the Events tab


Was forced to update to version 2.28.1 (109) yesterday.

Since that time, the app crashes as soon as I press the Events icon.

This is happening on my Samsung Tab s6 lite tablet, where I use the app the most. Don’t have the problem with my pixel phone.

What I tried:

  • Re-installed
  • Clear cache from within the app and in Android app settings.

App permissions are the same on both the tablet and phone.

Really tired of those buggy cameras.

Any suggestions?


That is an OLD version as of yesterday. You need

This update fixed the crash issues:

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Wanted to add more context now that I have more time. was the previous version you had which was released 1\26 was what you updated to released 3\7. Upon release the crashes were noticed and reported. is the fix to these crashes, released 3\9 and has received favorable feedback for fixing that.

But, the forums have also been showing posts of these new versions not posting to all the app stores at the same speed. Some have experienced some delays in seeing the availability.

Good luck!


I guess I will need to wait for the fixed version to appear on the my app store. Each update seems to bring a new pain.

Wish Wyze would not rush people to update especially with how buggy there updates are. I am still struggling in using that app in landscape mode on the tablet and that problem has been there for such a long time now that I am not even expecting them to fix it.

Thanks for the clarification.

Hope it helped. Sorry about your trouble. Yes, this last round of updates was like drinking water from a fire hose. Very messy.

But there are plenty of voices out there sounding off. Keep looking to the app store for the .111 update.

Some resources here in the forum you might consider: