Wyzapp 3.0 Cage Match: Think you're tough enough?

  1. Make a concise and specific statement praising or denigrating Wyzapp 3.0.
  2. When someone challenges your statement, it is ON.
    No one posts a new #1 until it is OFF.
  3. It is OFF when either of the two combatants (#1 & #2) claims it so.
  4. This topic is self-regulating. I am not the ‘referee’.

I think I have said this before, but you never seize to amaze me! :rofl:

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As Jerry said, I could but, choose not to. :sunglasses:

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Not a single master debater steps forward in over eight hours? America has declined. :disappointed:

Rules unclear:

I tried to praise Wyze app 3.0 by baking it a cake & sending it a bouquet of flowers, but now my smart doorbell thinks it’s Valentine’s Day & my smart fridge is arguing with my toaster.

So I tried to denigrate Wyze app 3.0 by writing a scathing review in Morse code & challenging it to a dance-off, but now my smart lights are blinking SOS & my Robot vacuum is moonwalking across the living room.

Did I do it right? I couldn’t tell if my combatant called it off or not, but it sure feels like a party in here now with cake, flowers, drum beats in Morse code, flashing lights, & dancing vacuums. So I guess we all won anyway.



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[Comment self-sensored]

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As long as you do not taunt Happy Fun Ball, should be good.

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Haha, I watch SNL recaps on Youtube every week…minimum of Weekend Update no matter what, then might watch a few other parts here and there depending on various things. Their commercial skits are usually pretty good though.

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I can’t believe no one stepped up for this. Too much estrogen in the water, I guess.

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I can’t play since I don’t use 3.0, busy fighting other issues like no cloud recordings between 00:00 and 4:00 AM on 12 cams even though there were events happening. Even this morning I was in the front yard, two cams recorded the cloud events the third cam did not but it did record the event to the SD. I reset services on all cams and see how it goes. All cams have a 3 bar wifi signal.
:cat: (s) with jammers, probably MFP’s idea.


Katzwithjammers Kit’s??

Brilliant! :+1: :rofl:

That :point_up: could even be your backyard 100 years ago!

Not that I’m complaining but little of interest is passing my cams these days (so much so that I’ve stopped checking Events on a regular basis.) Sure, a muttering hobo on occasion, a new age hippie sniffing patchouli now and again, and the odd Albanian, but other than that, lower-to-middle-class Americans walking dogs. Mind-numbing.


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Consider me admonished, scorekeeper. :wink:

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Heh. You’re fun. :grin::+1:

Now I’m wondering how the training is going with @Antonius and the :raccoon: gang.

  • Have they learned to “point”?
  • Does AI Video Search find examples of this?

I’m really looking forward to seeing a screen capture from one of the masked hooligans showing a critter cam that it’s “number one”.

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If he could cut back on the Jameson & Suds he might get something (remarkable) done! :wink:

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That use of the word always takes me back to the rooftop scene in The Shawshank Redemption.

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When bell bottoms were masculine.