I’ve about 30 cams on the Cams plus.
All had been viewable on web view, as are several of my BIL’s.
I just tried to access them. Can’t access any of them via web view on my pc now. My BIL’s still show up.
My subscription shows as active.
Has something happened?
/edit - they are viewable via the android app.
And the blasted “online support” seems USELESS.
Are you using the 2.50.xxx beta? Known issue due to a backend change. If so, it will come back with the production 2.5.xxx comes out.
Thanks, again, one step forward, 2 steps back.
But why would running 2.50 beta on my android phone affect viewing on wyze web view on my pc?
Wyze is doing some backend subscription changes (they don’t affect customers), and the latest beta app includes the code to migrate your account to the new system. Webview doesn’t currently support the new system, but wyze is working on that and I would expect it gets updated soon.
I can view the Events on the cameras in question, but not the “live view”.
Any idea what time is “soon”?
/edit - Well that changed.
When I first posted the above I didn’t try to view the event, just looked at a thumbnail.
Now I went back to view an event on the PC “web view” and it told me me I had to upgrade to cam plus.
Tried a few minutes later, it showed me the clip.
hve you tried accessing from another PC or smartdevice thru browser to see if same situation?
also consider clearing cookies for the Wyze webpage.
I have no idea. I’m just a community volunteer so only get access to certain information. Hopefully it’s not more than a week but who knows…
I do know wyze is watching this and related threads so they may pop in if they have an estimate or any updates. No guarantees though.
Whew, I use many of my cameras to monitor remote properties and resetting the cameras without being able to replace them is iffy.
Now if they could have sent an email saying they were going to be doing that my stress level would have been greatly reduced.
This was a note on the release notes of the beta app in the forum, but for some reason it was not included in the TestFlight release notes… must have been an oversight.
I’m glad it’s working for you now!
Yeah we released a fix today, you should be able to view your cams on the web now. For anyone with the beta app
Nope. Not connecting on either FireFox nor Chrome.
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