We need a a wireless camera, I live in apartment 3 floor and running a long wire is not easy.
Wyze Battery Cam Pro
Or really any of their cams with a USB power bank.
We need a longer power cord at least 10 feet
Wyze sells a 20 ft USB cable. also Amazon has a wide variety of lengths.
The battery cam pro requires no cord at all (other than wherever you want to charge the battery, it is removable). You can even get a spare battery and charger so you have no down time.
As @habib mentioned you can also get longer USB cables through Wyze or Amazon if you want a hard wired cam. Or purchase a battery bank and mount it near the camera.
I would encourage you to search Amazon for Eufy Security Cameras. They have several. Some you charge/recharge every 6 months, some run on Solar, some run on battery and recharged via solar. Some store only on SD Card and some store locally on your own home base station. I am impressed with their products.
Yeah because Wyze can’t do any of those things…
Welcome to the Forum, @carlos072575!
I think some good ideas have been suggested, and I’m curious about more detail: What more can you share about your environment (where you want to place a camera) and its intended use case? That might assist others in providing recommendations to meet your needs.
Much pricier than Wyze though!
Keep in mind if you go too long with the USB cord you may run in to problems.
And this isn’t a Eufy forum. They asked about Cameras on a Wyze forum. NOT, can we talk about Wyze Battery Pro cameras vs. Eufy.
Posting in a forum to suggest another product (when not being asked for competitor equivalents) is just bad form.
It’s nothing new for him.
Why waste a good opportunity to … earn commissions?
I frequently recommend non-Wyze products here in the forum and on Discord. I don’t receive any commissions nor does @Sam_Bam as far as I know. We do both recommend/suggest products that might work better for a specific situation when Wyze products are inadequate for the job.
Do you randomly drop into a thread, not mention anything about the questions being asked/answered in the thread, and just say “buy this other brand” without a reason why that other brand is better?
@Sam_Bam has suggested many good ideas in the past. I like sharing information as I don’t have stock in Wyze or Eufy or Reolink or Kasa.
Competition is good.
Are you getting better quality when buying a higher priced product? Cheap doesn’t solve all of your problems.
I’m not disagreeing with the notion of competition or other tech… It’s just a general forum rule… stay on topic. The person posted in the “Wyze” forum about a Battery Camera.
They did not post in r/homeautomation or r/homesecurity. OP’s question would be 100% relevant in those sub-reddits. But we aren’t on Reddit. Or the Eufy, Reolink, Ring forums either.
I don’t disagree but essentially pasting an advertisement into a thread without giving a reason why the other would be a better choice is basically trolling.
@ssummerlin, thank you sir. I have no stock and receive no support or commission from any product. I’m just a dumb old red neck. I do try to contribute and offer what I have experience with to help solve someone’s question or problem. Didn’t need to tell you that though, sir, I think you already see/saw that.