We need a a wireless camera, I live in apartment 3 floor and running a long wire is not easy

Dear Earl,

Yep, you caught me red (neck) handed. I am guilty of offering my free two cents worth. Its okay to call me out too. I don’t mind. Does not bother me. Sorry I upset you, as was not my goal. But you will likely find me doing that again too. Sorry, if you don’t like it.

You didn’t ask, but I will share. I think. I think, no single manufacturer makes a solution for everything. In this case, I am only talking about home automation, home security. Its a layered problem that requires a layered solution. I like Wyze. I have bought more than my share. And have bought and given to friends to get them started. And helped them. I like Wyze and will continue to use them. But I am not blind, so when something comes along that is unique and quality, I am probably going to talk about it. You probably heard before. Talk is cheap, and people can simply ignore me.

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I am guilty of passing information. Good thing its not government secrets, right?
Not my first, unless Wyze kicks me out, probably not my last. But I don’t do it every day, week, or even month. Merry Christmas. :slight_smile:

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Not necessarily, but then that is why I chose Apple as my platform of choice over three decades ago.

I never said that, I just pointed out that they are much pricier than Wyze.


I never would have known by your writing accent. I have appreciated your input in the past. I think it is good to hear of other choices people have found. You are definitely not a troll and I value your input.

Life goes on. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Choice is good.

I started with DOS 3.0 in 1987 and worked up to DOS 6.2. Joined the Windows team in 1990. I found a copy of Windows 2.0 in the store room but only fired it up once. Last month. I decided to get on Windows 11 bandwagon. Waiting to see if M$ authorizes old PCs to use Window 11 or they come out with Windows 11 Lite.

Yes, I agree, they are more expensive. Even their spotlight and pan&tilt stuff is twice the cost of Wyze.

But what drew me to Wyze in the first place was not their $20 camera. Sure, that is great. But in those days, before cloud storage and someone accessing our files, Wyze was seriously working on a local storage device. We could slide a internal drive into a caddy and locally store our files. I wanted that. And then something beyond Wyze control interfered with their product development. And they told us they had to find another manufacturer vendor. And after a while that didn’t pan out. And its been years since all that occurred.

With more and more cameras “out there”, its more common for law enforcement to use methods such as search warrants, cohersion, side agreements, even just ask and obtain OUR files from the owners and renters of cloud storage. I prefer, while I still have a choice, to locally own and control my saved video from my cameras. Tapo was working on it, but is delayed. And Eufy has a product. So, I am forced to use their more expensive cameras to link them to their local storage. And yes, the cameras and home base are more expensive, but I don’t have to purchase any subscription such as unlimited cam plus annually to store those files. So, it will take 2-3 years to break even, and that is longer than the time since Wyze gave up on their device.

Unlikely many folks that come and complain, I like Wyze. I just want a feature they are not delivering so, I have to use something else to get there.

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Using technology does not require a monogamous relationship.

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You didn’t pay the $10 for the 6.22 “step up”? I still have mine, single 3.5" floppy in a cardboard envelope :rofl:

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I guess I just see a difference between the user having a specific need that Wyze doesn’t meet and suggesting an alternative, vs a blanket statement that “Eufy is better go buy that instead”, and listing out features that Wyze also has.

Seeing as the Wyze BCP seems to be what they’re looking for, give a reason why Eufy’s battery offering is better or meets their needs more.

Your memory is much better than mine. Work probably footed the bill. :laughing:

Completely off-topic, but I believe Gateway 2000 sent me the DOS 6.22 Step-Up free of charge (I might have had to request it), and I believe I still have that and the 6.2 installation diskettes (I think there were 3) in a box somewhere.

Trying to get back on topic, I’m still interested in details about @carlos072575’s camera needs or expectations.


I used to have an 8-inch (?) floppy but must have misplaced it. It was gifted to me by a colleage who used them during the pre-MS-DOS years.

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Thank you for the opportunity. But I am not here to argue for Eufy. I am to lazy to scroll to the top, and my memory is leaving me behind, but as I recall, he had a distance getting power issue. I think I suggested they have a battery model and a solar recharging battery model.

I am hard-headed. I will likely make this mistake again of referring someone to a possible solution to the issue they put in front of us here.

And let me lean into the upcoming swing at my head. I really like the 4K Eufy cameras

We used to use an 8" floppy to boot up our 130 pound 3’x3’ IBM Displaywriter. I wasted hours and hours trying to get a printer to work under Windows 2.1. MS said we could just drag and drop a file on the printer icon and it would print. My boss saw it and drove me nuts making me replicate it. (Never did.)

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I remember using a system console that looked like a big typewriter. Since the printhead covered what you were typing, we sporadically stopped typing, to let the printhead get out of the way to review what was typed. Now, that’s a “type ahead” :rofl:

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I still have a Brother WP-1400D word processor. I kept it around because I will sometimes type on envelopes. Yes, I know there are computer programs that will make labels on a printer. Thanks to this discussion I now know how little it is worth. $59 dollars can get you one like I have.

My sister-in-law gave me the word processor years ago with a ton of ribbon cartridges. I am thinking it will break before I run out of cartridges.


I believe I still have a 8" floppy box I used as a tool box. Doubt it was an 11".


As I did until I consulted with ChatGPT

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