View On PC/Browser (Windows / Mac / Chromebook)

UPDATE 11/23/21:

Wyze Web Portal

UPDATE 5/21/21:

UPDATE 4/6/20

Good news everyone! :smiley:

We are in the researching stage and moving forward with this. I don’t have an ETA at this point since we’re still in this stage and balancing things we’re working on (such as webRTC to improve streaming with Alexa and Google Assistant).

But we have an answer now. :slight_smile:

UPDATE 5/15/19: Hi, folks!

This is something that we’ve been discussing internally. It will be a pretty tricky feature so we’ve been looking into methods for it and that’s why we haven’t given a super firm answer or made promises for this one yet. But we aren’t ignoring it and we appreciate your patience. :slight_smile:


This is not currently under consideration but has often been the number one request outside of RTSP (which would enable this capability and is intended for the future). Many people work during the day at jobs where they are not permitted to use their phones or otherwise have greater access to a computer than a phone. This would allow them to view their Wyze Cams in these situations.




I would like to upvote either this topic or the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) thread, but unsure of the differences. Can you add some info explaining the differences, please?


There needs to be a way to view the camera feed from a desktop computer without using a 3rd party app. Especially for people and businesses with a large number of WyzeCams.


would RTSP suffice in this case ?


Why not vote for both?

But anyway, RTSP would let you view the stream on a PC/Mac using the cross platform VLC Media Player, or QuickTime on Mac, or RealPlayer.

To view the stream within a browser, you’d need a site that has the proper code. Perhaps there would be a third party site, but I don’t know that I’d trust that. Hopefully Wyze could implement a portal within the Wyze site to let you view the RTSP streams.


I vote for this feature.


Top priority for me is the ability to view my 8 Wyze cams on a internet connected PC & ChromeBook (via web browser or Wyze software app) so I hope you are working diligently on that feature.

Thanks and keep up the great work!


Any plans to add app for a computer -windows?


As an interim measure, many folks are running an Android emulator such as BlueStacks or Nox and running the Wyze app within that. It’s a little awkward, but better than nothing.


I would like to see a priority better than “maybe-later”. I consider this to be important because I am on my computer all day and don’t like to have to get out my phone, I want to be able to click to my notifications right away. Programming a Windows App should be well within the capabilities of your programmers.

I have tried the emulation route and they are designed mainly for gamers and also have a high system load. I hated always getting the popups for some GUBP, a gamer thing, that just gets in the way.


Ditto DadCooks. CampBowWow has browser view-able video of my dog. Seems like this is a no-brainer.


I also vote for this too. Currently trying some weird tinycam workaround, which is probably not the best solution.


A web interface which includes camera configuration and stream watching (including simultaneous streams). [content moved by OP to separate post]


That would be great to have a web browser interphase, but this has been requested before with no avail.
It’s probably the main reason why I still have to keep my Arlos …


Within 15 minutes of learning that WYZE has implemented accessing and controlling the cameras on a PC, and all else remaining the same, I’ll buy several more cameras. I’m certain I’m not alone in this regard.


I really appreciate the advancement and development of new products but WYZE can you please address and listen to your customer base and develop a web based site for accessing and monitoring our cams? I know personally I’d happily wait longer for improvements on the hardware if you were focusing on this.


This is on our radar and I know the team is looking into it. I’ll send your feedback up though for sure!


It will be wonderful if we can view Wyze cams on our PCs. I tried web server of tinycam Pro but it is draining my cell phone’s battery and video on my PC is slow, very slow to boot up and video is slow …

Currently I am using a old Samsung 10" tablet to view my multiple Wyze cams but I have to manage the tablet’s battery status and charging which is very inconvenient.

The other suggestion for Wyze app is can we view multiple cameras like what tinycam Pro does. For viewing Wyze cams using tinycam Pro, even a wrong ip address still works. Only the login credentials and channel numbers need to be correct. Also no port forwarding is needed and this is very very convenient.



I really would like either web access to the cameras, or being able to grab them with my own NVR software. Just a few days ago something happened where it was pretty important to get a specific 30 seconds of video. I’m still running my older cameras and NVR, just getting into trying out the Wyzecams. It was a pain to try and find it on a phone. It was super easy to find it on my computer. Time was a factor also.


(A child fell and hurt himself while in view of my garage cam, and knowing what happened helped the medical diagnosis as well as preventing the parents from being checked out for possible abuse. Turns out he passed out, and having the video got him into a CT scan immediately.)


Local recording to something other than the SD card really needs to be a priority. The post above by @Carlos is a perfect example.
Yes I am emphasizing with BOLD because this really is important to make WyzeCams true standouts without peer.