Video issue with Wyze doorbell V1

Been having an issue with the live view from my Wyze video doorbell V1

This is what a live view looks like

Yet when I look at events, the images are clear, like this one

When I disconnect and reconnect the doorbell transformer the live image is ok for awhile. The transformer is a robust ELK putting out a clean 24VDC

The device status page shows it is offline, with no WiFi bars and 0KB/s

The doorbell is running the latest firmware

Since the doorbell has no way to store locally I have this set up for the Cam Plus service.

Any thoughts?


Should I start a support ticket? The doorbell is way out of warranty.

Couldn’t hurt.

Frozen Image - Doorbell

Anyone else have sporadic issues accessing doorbell cameras from the iOS app and it shows a static placeholder image when you select the camera? It doesn’t happen all the time but when it does I have to close the app and reopen it before I can view a live feed. See screenshot below - running the latest iOS app version and this is on a v1 doorbell.


What actual app version are you using? and what actual app version is on the camera?

@TomG, any luck with Support or any updates on this from your end?

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iOS app is 3.2.1, running on iPhone 14 on iOS 18.1. Wyze reports firmware is up to date on the camera (

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The issue is sporadic, and the placeholder image is the same as @zachmaster

Right now the doorbell is working. This is the only cam I have that does not accept a SD card, so I have the Cam Plus subscription for the doorbell.

If I had to hazard a guess as to why this is happening, there must be an issue with the Wyze end that hosts the Cam Plus subscription.

Update. Now the placeholder image is back. This has to be an issue with Wyze, and not our doorbells,


Yep, definitely an issue with Wyze. No Pro and it happens about 50% of the time I go to view my feed.


And @TomG , Do you have the camera as a favorite? Or in a group? How do you access the camera when this placeholder image shows up? I use a vdb V1 as my daily driver and want to try accessing it the same way you folks to

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I don’t use any groups, and it’s happened whether it’s a favorite or not.

This may be anecdotal but it seems to happen more frequently when I access the stream from a notification of movement or doorbell press, though it happens when I manually navigate to the camera as well.

I will say I have both a v1 and v2 doorbell and it’s never happened on the v2.

Not in a group or a favorite. I made a short YT video

Also, when the placeholder image is showing and the frame rate is 0KB/sec I still receive motion notifications and the events are clear and current.

It is just the live image that has issues, which points to a Wyze issue.


Nice blurr effect on that final scene.

Still nothing. If I remove power to the doorbell momentarily, the live view returns for a while.

This is the placeholder image that I see any time i view the doorbell camera.

Something odd - events are recorded and the image is clear.

When I try to submit a log, this pops up

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I have the exact or similar issue with my Wyze door bell. If it shows me that blur still image and if I exit out and retry to connect to it again it will work and go to live view. However after 5-15 seconds or so my live view loses connection and it’s not able to connect again no matter how much it tries. If I leave it alone and come back to retrying to view it later on it works momentarily again but the issue repeats all over again. This is all while on my home WiFi. If I am on cellular connection it works without any issues. The Wyze door bell never looses wifi connection to my router, nor does my wired cams. It’s the issue with the Wyze app that won’t allow it to connect or lose live view.

My issues are here: Cam v2, Pan Cam loses live view connection after 5 sec - #2 by PLo

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I never watched the video feed from my V1 doorbell more than 10 seconds but watching it now, the feed continued but is choppy all the time. Like 1 frame every second.

This is probably documented but I was unaware of it :

Maximum recording time on the V1 doorbell is 50 seconds. I verified this by recording again, and the recording stopped by itself after 50 seconds.
Expecting to see two 50 second clips in the album, I had two 5 second clips.

I have CamPlus only on the doorbell because there is no local storage.

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When off Wifi, does the blurred image ever appear. Both you and @TomG have presented some interesting findings.

The 3 iPads we have are WiFi only.

I turned WiFi off on my iPhone XS Max, rebooted the phone, powered the doorbell off and on (I put a smart plug on the plug-in transformer) and still had the placeholder image. I only got the live view when I closed the doorbell view and reopened it. So, no matter if I am in cell or WiFi, the placeholder image is presented initially instead of the live view.

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Sounds like the problem can be easily reproduced. Hopefully it can be fixed easily and quickly.

Any fix on this? So frustrating. Doorbell rings and I can’t see or speak to who’s there because I get this dumb screen.

The only way I have been able to see a live view on my v1 doorbell is to view the feed which is a placeholder image, back out and then open the doorbell feed again. Agreed it has been too long without a fix for a common issue. Since it is old technology, the chances of the fault being corrected is slim.