Cam v2, Pan Cam loses live view connection after 5 sec

I’ve have pretty much all but given up troubleshooting on this issue. I am also skeptical or don’t think that wyze support can resolve my issue either at this time. I’m pretty sure it’s the Wyze app because all of the cameras use to work well with minimal issues. Each new Wyze app update has not resolve the issue and I have had this issue from an Wyze app update over the summer.

Attempting to change any type of settings on my Asus XT8 results in all sorts of different new issue connections causing all sorts of different errors with different iPhones on my WiFi and cellular. Even down to the very basic of turning on only my 2.4hz band as a last resort and it causes all sorts of different connection issues on WiFi which now affects the wyze app ability to connect to cams on a cellular connection too now. And trying all these different settings now causes my Battery Cam Pro’s to not connect properly on different iPhones regardless of WiFi or Celullar.

Since I am tech savy and do IT Support about the only other thing I have not tried is to use a complete different WiFi Router brand which im not going change my router just to make wyze cams work when it had worked just fine in the past summer before the Wzye app updates.

I have reverted my WiFi settings back to its original settings at least this allows the Battery Cam Pros and the Outdoor Cams to connect and work reliably but the any other wired Wzye cam I have loses live view connection or won’t connect. Be advise these cameras stay connected to my WiFi and liveview works almost flawlessly on all them on my phone if on cellular and not WiFi. The cams don’t lose WiFi connection as some them are set to record 24/7 or just events and still get motion alerts and recordings even though I can’t connect to them in live view. It’s the Wyze app on WiFi that fails to connect to the wired cams or loses the liveview after 5-10 seconds and can’t connect again. I forgot to mention I also have Wyze doorbell cam and Cam 4 with the same issues. Pretty much any wired Wyze cam won’t work properly on my WiFi setup with the current Wyze app.

As much as I don’t want to swap over to a different camera brand, I have now swapped most of my cams to Eufy which have been working good so far on my current WiFi without any issues. The only wyze cams left still working are my battery cam pros as I have also decided to remove my outdoor cams and replace them with Eufy.

I hope to keep my Battery Cam Pros around since I do have other Wyze products for now.

Network/router: Asus XT8 mesh, latest firmware
Phones: iPhone 7, iPhone X, iPhone 12, iPhone 14 all running latest iOS and latest wyze app available for the device