V3 but Web Access is limited message

How do I convince the Web view the v3 is a v3?

Screenshot 2024-07-19 103629

(And could you add PC or Web to the stilly tag system in the forums…come on…)

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I saw another user having this same issue recently:

So, with your report, we now have evidence this isn’t an isolated incident.

I would recommend contacting support so they have an official record of this (They log these things in their system so they can see patterns and know if something is an isolated incident or more widespread), and this will help them realize there is a wider issue with this.

If you do contact support about this, will you please post your support ticket number back in here so I can try to reference this to someone at Wyze? Last I checked, I don’t think they were aware of a large issue with V3’s not working on Webview, but your report helps demonstrate that it’s not an isolated incident, and hopefully I can use that to show them there is a pattern that needs to be looked into.

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Also, will you try something? Please restart the camera, then go into the camera settings and at the bottom, there should be a button called “Reset Services”…will you please press that, then check again?

That button is supposed to help force the cameras/server to refresh everything related to the subscription so it will hopefully try to make it work normally on the webview.

Actually, I’ve already done both Restart Camera followed by Reset Services, twice in the past 24 hours. Didn’t help.

Interestingly enough this was a replacement from Wyze for a 3-month old V3 that previously worked just fine via Web view, but went ‘solid red’ a few days ago. I’ve been able to add a “Wyze Cam Pan v3” to the Web view since…just not this V3.

Definitely will get a ticket for it soon.

Yes - I did create a new ticket and submitted a log. I had three different support people work with me and in the end I was told that they are working on it. They also said it is a beta site so thanks for my patience…
As for restarting the cameras and using the re-set services - I have done that at least 3 timse per week hoping something would help. I was also asked for the MAC Addresses of my two affected cameras and I sent that to them in a few different forms. One in an email communication, oonce in a logged event, and once I believe during a web chat.
I had informed the people I worked with that I was not alone, and that another individual actually ordered a new camera to test this and ended up with the same problem.
As an interesting twist - The two cameras I sent the MAC Addresses for, now no longer show up on my list of supported devices for live web view. When I check out why they show up on the list of unsupported devices. Sure - V3’s are unsupported ???
Screen Shot 2024-07-19 at 6.38.45 PM

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Yikes, that is a strange situation. Of these 8 cameras here all are V3 cams except the driveway which is a V4. I have Cam Unlimited.

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My other V3’s all work and are available to be seen on the live feed. They were activated in February and March. It is only the two that I activated for the first time after May 27th that will not work properly on Cam Plus :frowning:

I have the same issue

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What is really weird is the fact that they can still record smart events even though I get told they are incompatible !

@KittiesAttack Please see the discussion of this starting here.

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A short update - As of today I used the app to delete my affected cameras and then reset them using the set-up button under the V3. They are now both working and are properly recognized in Cam Plus Live Web View !


I’ll get the ladder out to try that tomorrow.

Guessing we lose all settings doing this…

It would seem I’ve procrastinated just long enough…for the issue to go ‘awyze’ on its own. Was able to add it back to Web View today.

Anyone else still have the issue? Mine was just a single v3 replacement (that I gave same name.)

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Glad it worked for you too…

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