Ever since doing the most recent beta firmware update wyze cam V3s are not able to be accessible via web access I’ve reset service on both set both of them up via the app but I am unable to connect to them via web access.
welcome @bprice33 , sorry to see you are having issues.
Can you let us know if you have Cam Protect or Cam Plus on the camera in question?
Can you also provide the Firmware version you are currently running? Wyze releases beta updates regularly and would like to compare to what I have
Same but worse. Just ran update and no V3 can be seen with app
1 camera has Cam Plus the other has Cam Protect. Both firmware versions are Beta Both cameras are Wyze Cam V3
Can you check now? I understand that Wyze made some changes and individuals indicate they are able to connect and stream now.
I had similar issues since the end of May. As of this morning (July24th) the issue is resolved for my V3’s. I had to use the app with each camera and “delete device” and then re-install using the set-up button / QR code, etc… Now they both work again ! Hope it works for you !
I am back up and running. Everything is good
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