V2 WPA3 support - Does anyone have it working?

Are you 100% certain on that? Is it a pure WPA3 network or is it WPA2/WPA3 mixed?

Found the thread below, so maybe some of the new cameras support it? I own a single V4. Maybe I’ll give it a test. The thing is, for me anyway, I cannot stand the new playback UI and how unresponsive it is. If I hit FF or RW, I have to wait and wait and wait before I can tap it again. With the V3s and prior, the FF and RW are instant and a person can just hammer on those buttons to review hours of uSD video 30 seconds at a time.

The fact remains, WYZE said the V2 supported WPA3 years ago (proven in this thread) yet they still do not support it. Nor do the V3s based on the thread below.