Welcome to the Forum, @jlb52!
Unfortunately, Video Doorbell v2 is known to have connectivity issues for a number of users. This was supposed to be addressed with a recent firmware update; however, some users are still reporting problems with their doorbells not reconnecting if they lose their Wi-Fi connections, and I have not yet seen firmware version offered to me in the Wyze app: It’s still showing me only version, which I mentioned in the announcement topic that I linked (). (Even if it was offered to me, though, I’m not sure if/when I’d install it, mostly because I’m uncertain whether the notification issues have been resolved, which is why I’m still using firmware version on my Video Doorbell v2.)
When you talked to Wyze Support, did they ask you about your transformer? I’ve read of some users having problems with their Doorbells because of inadequate power delivery, so ensuring that your transformer meets the Doorbell’s requirements is one way to eliminate a potential failure point.
I was confused about this part of your post:
Here are you talking about Cam v3 (a regular Wyze Cam and not a Video Doorbell)? I’m not aware of a new Doorbell version, so this kind of threw me. On the other hand, I’ve also read of other users supplementing their Doorbell camera’s coverage with a regular Wyze Cam, like a Cam OG. I’ve actually considered doing that on my porch because I haven’t been completely satisfied with the downward view coverage of the Video Doorbell v2 (though I’ve somewhat mitigated that with an angled mount that I built).
I can sympathize with your frustration, because there are certainly things about my experiences with some Wyze products that frustrate me. You’re not alone, and the Forum offers a lot of constructive criticism as well as good advice from people who genuinely want to be helpful. On that note, I’d make this suggestion: I was going to suggest re-tagging your post from cam-outdoor-v2 to video-doorbell-v2, but it appears that @WyzeJasonJ has already done that.