Doorbell V2 keeps disconnecting

I have had the Doorbell V2 since it came out and it worked great for months. But for the last month or two, it keeps disconnecting and I have to power cycle it via the breaker box. I have gone through all of the troubleshooting, including resetting it, removing it and adding it, updating the firmware and the app, etc. I have many other cameras, floodlights, etc. so I know what I’m doing. I have not changed my wifi in any way, and when it is connected the signal strength is fine. I have removed the SD card. It runs for a day or two then disconnects and I have to cycle it. When I got it I had to replace the analog chime with a new one with more power and it all worked fine for months after that. I’m on the verge of abandoning Wyze entirely, of all my cameras I consider the front door to be the most important one.

What you’re experiencing seems like a known issue, and there are several other related topics on the Forum where you can share your experience. While this is primarily a user-to-user community, a Wyze Team member recently opened a new topic specific to this issue where they’re collecting Video Doorbell v2 MAC addresses in an attempt to collect more data and identify the root of the problem:

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Thank you! I have added my MAC address and comments to that post.


You’re welcome. I see that! :upside_down_face:

I’m glad to see that Wyze Team members are actively engaging here for some issues, and I hope they’re able to find a resolution for this one, though I haven’t personally experienced it myself. (I still don’t see the latest Video Doorbell v2 firmware update offered to me in either the new or previous app version, and I’ve remained on January’s firmware because of the notification issue Wyze introduced in an update earlier this year.)

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