V2 Cams Uploading to AWS - Motion Detection is OFF & Camera Is "Turned Off" in the APP

I’ve been on holiday for the last 2 weeks & have been having problems connecting to my Wyze cameras.
When I got back, most of my Wifi network was not working & devices were having problems to connect.

I looked at my router & I can see that all my Wyze Cam V2s have used 250-300Gb of “upload” data.
I have 4 V3 cams & 1 new V4 camera which are not affected by this issue, it seems specific to the V2s.

Rebooting the router doesnt make any difference.
When I looked at my “live” internet traffic, all my V2 cameras were using ~140KBps.
When I am home “motion detection” is disabled & I also tried to turn off the cameras in the App.
The data upload continues…

I have “reset services”, “restart camera” & I have fully power cycled my devices for a few minutes.
Once the camera reconnects the upload stream continues…

Why are my cameras continually uploading to AWS ??? :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

After some experimentation, it seem like even when the camera is off & not set to detection motion, the upload is triggered by motion in the camera view.

If I turn the camera around so it is facing the wall, there is not longer an upload to the cloud…

This seems to be caused by a bug in the APP 3.0 or on the cloud side…

I resolved this huge upload issue by going to the monitoring tab & selecting “Disarm” instead of “Home”…
In the monitoring tab all my v2 cameras notifications are set to “None” in the “Home” group but “Alarm” in the Away group.

My settings during my vacation was “AWAY” but it seems that all of the cameras permanently “upload” video data even when no motion is detected… (I raised another post about this a few weeks ago where I was seeing huge 4hr, 3hr cloud videos with no motion…)

When I got home I changed the setting to “HOME” which should disable all the notiffications from the indoor cameras.

At the same time I have an automation which enabled or disables “motion detection” on the indoor cameras at night. (so the basement & downstairs cameras will trigger on motion during the night).

It seems like the “monitoring tab” and “automations” are not working together…?

What is worse is that if you look at the individual camera settings, the motion shows as “disabled” & the live stream is “off” but the cameras are constantly uploading data…

@WyzeJasonJ how can I raise this as a “bug” ?

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