Update (V2) and (Pan). Should I or shouldn't I?

With these latest updates, cams have been bricked. What confidence does anybody have that this latest software update won’t do the same thing? I have cams all over and don’t feel like manually fooling around with each one to possibly bring it back to life. Aware of the one button upgrade all. Very hesitant to use it.

Anybody do these updates yet? How was the process? Thanks.

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I have updated 5 V2 and 2 Pan cameras with no problems. I’ve never had a problem with firmware updates.

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Really, hmm one of my pan cams thats been monitoring the basement decided to act up, it clicks, restarts n keeps doing the same over n over n over. Imma try n downgrade the firmware n see if that fixes it but if not then I’m down to 2 wyze cams left. The pan one on window is starting to get that pink edges look so I might be going down to 1 wyze cam by the end of this month.

I’d have a beer and wait a day or two, saved me problems last time. That is, unless you have that Canuck good karma like some people here :wink:.

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Won’t even factory reset, but yeah I’ll set it aside and forget about it for now :joy:

I have some problems since installed version couple of days ago.

Wyze cam not detecting motion, tracking and not able to rotate anymore.

Camera eyes not moving anymore and had stopped rotating left or right.

I updated all my v2s and my pan individually and all upgraded took and no issues yet. I didn’t use the pop-up, and didn’t use the group upgrade. I went to device info, clicked on firmware for each camera and updated.


Same here… 16 v2 cams over 2 locations, half of them mounted high outside in enclosures. Initially updated a few to make sure there were no glaring issues over a 24-hour period, then updated the rest individually this evening. Everything running smoothly.


Have done it and everything seems fine. Reason for the post was that the previous update a few days before bricked cameras. Waiting a couple days after an update is released and seeing how it works thru user feedback is always the best way to avoid problems. Thanks all.

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I just did this upgrade, and the live stream from one of my cameras is occasionally grabbing a frame from a different camera. My cameras are suddenly complaining about the network when no other streaming app is having issues. I would recommend waiting.

If you have a pan cam…DON’T DO IT!!! I have 3 pan cams and the motion tracking has stopped.

Do you have Detection Zones set? If so, turn them off.

So if I turn off my detection zone my camera will follow an object but won’t return to home base? What’s the point of that when I want to monitor movement to and from a given area?

I’m just telling you what may work, not saying it’s right.
Have you tried it?

Unfortunately, the camera is aimed at my front door. If I disable the detection zone and the camera does move it won’t return back to the position I need it at. Thanks anyways. It does detect motion but it won’t track it, so the subject winds up moving out of frame. Hopefully they have a fix.

Do you have a single waypoint saved for the camera pointed at the door so it has a “home”?

Another option is to set only one waypoint for Pan Scan. Then turn on Pan Scan and Motion Tracking. The camera should return to the set waypoint.

I see @Omgitstony has posted the same option.

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Don’t even need panscan enabled, if you have one waypoint set, the cam will return there after inactivity.

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As mentioned before, motion tracking doesn’t work. If I only set one waypoint for pan scan, it will only be locked to that one position. I’ll just wait for a fix. Shouldn’t have to find a workaround if it worked before. Thanks though.