Stolen Camera V3

Well that’s says it all right there. Wyze is not going to fix this flaw. If you have a wyze camera better not depend on it for security


Wyze was informed of this issue 3 years ago they did at one time leave the recorded videos in the cloud but at some point removed this feature again. Quantity not safety or quality it’s sad that wyze really don’t care about what they advertise “Security” no more cloud storage for me it’s a waste of money.


Wow. Great find! Pretty much answers all questions.

That thread was a real deja vu read… except that Wyze now sells something they call a “home security system”… :confused:

For some reason losing a cheap cam doesn’t bother me too much, neither does losing an SD card, and really, neither does losing a few weeks of footage watching my grass grow, but to suddenly lose a few minutes of a possible crime against a family member… footage that I thought was safely offsite in the cloud…

And not acknowledging the bug is almost a perfect crime in itself - I can’t go mock and meme Wyze into action on Tik Tok because I don’t want to announce a vulnerability that the average moron crinimal doesn’t know about yet and Wyze will likely never fix.


This is a VERY, VERY serious issue that needs to be addressed immediately. This is why we are paying for cloud storage! Will this be an issue that we just overlook and it fades out or who do we tag to get this noticed?


If I paid for cloud storage, I would expect it to be there when I need it.

But i don’t. I rely on the SD in the cams that sit in the window.


I was right, this feature actually used to exist, and it’s a bug that we lose cloud events now:

It was driving me crazy because I just knew Wyze had already fixed it so we wouldn’t lose cloud events with a theft of camera, so I was thinking I must be suffering a false memory.

So I did some research/digging and found that I was right. Wyze already fixed this issue once. There was a wishlist, and got implemented and updated to “Wishes Granted” years ago. See this wishlist which shows it’s now been implemented to prevent us losing cloud footage:

Then on Oct 10th 2019, someone noted that this wishlist got updated to “In Development” and then on Nov 3rd 2019 we have a user confirming that this feature was implemented

Here we have one of the Mavens confirming that this issue got resolved with the 2.6.36 app:

And another former Maven confirming the cloud recordings were fixed to not disappear anymore:

And another volunteer, a Mod (Maven at the time) saying cloud events shouldn’t be removed anymore:

So, it looks like someone at Wyze inadvertently ruined this feature that was already implemented back in 2019. I thought my memory couldn’t be that bad and I was right that it used to keep cloud events when a camera was stolen. I don’t know when that stopped, but due to this written history, we can conclude that this issue is officially a “Bug” now. So now we can submit it this coming “Fix-it-Friday” event as the number 1 high-impact issue that needs priority. I recommend we all vote for it then so we can make sure they give us weekly reports on their progress with fixing this issue. It counts as a bug and not a feature request because Wyze already implemented it and moved it to “Wishes Granted” so it absolutely qualifies as a bug they need to fix now, not just a feature we requesting/wanting, but one they already promised us exists right now and isn’t working properly.

I will also try to pass this info along to some employees in back channels because I would call this a critical bug.

I did not realize that this ever changed until now. Thank you to everyone who checked and verified this.

If anyone has any evidence of when this issue started happening again, I’d appreciate anything shared. I do see that link from SlabSlayer confirming this issue was this way since at least October 2023. I’m sure it happened before that though. I wish we knew when, and I’m sorry I didn’t realize things changed until now, but I’ll be contacting some people about it and I still think we should all vote for it on Fix it Friday in the next week or so when that event starts so we can force public weekly reports on the progress.

Anyway, just wanted to share with everyone what I found out in my digging so far. I think we have a good case to press Wyze for a resolution quickly. :+1:

(Edit: The firmware release notes also show it was fixed around these times)

Public Release notes:

Direct Link to the FIRST Public Release Note here (the next one is right above it in the Dec 17 2019 release):,Event%20videos%20are%20now%20available%20even%20if%20the%20Wyze%20Cam%20is%20removed%20from%20the%20account,-Improved%20sharing%20experience


Excellent research.

Bravo. :clap:


Yes, Wyze is resurrecting fixed bugs. That’s Wyze regression testing in action. I wonder if Wyze even has a version control in place.

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So, it seems clear the cloud recordings should remain available when a camera is stolen, as Wyze said they implemented that wishlist already.

For those interested in a similar, but different wishlist, here is the one requesting to lock the camera to your account until you delete it from the app:

(note that Loki’s comment was posted before Wyze implemented the cloud recordings stay on the account when a camera is stolen wish…so that part of the comment was resolved when this other wishlist says it was implemented)

I wonder if Wyze only implemented this for the original 12-second free recordings they offered, and then maybe they never implemented it with the subscription “Complete Motion Capture” (which has now become known as “Cam Plus”). That might explain how it got overlooked.

I wonder if the 12 second cloud events from CPLite stay on the account still, or if those disappear too.


As a paying customer of cloud storage I could care less what type of nightmare would be for Wyze.


Cloud storage is supposed to exist for 14 days. The day it is stolen, those events should remain available for that full 14 days. After the 14 days are up, all events from that cam will be past the 14 day mark and no longer available. If you want to keep something before then, you have 14 days to download it before it’s gone forever. That should remain the consistent standard if it is stolen and not deleted off the account.


I think the concern most of us have though is that if the camera is stolen and reset/added to another account, we may not be able to access those events at all.


:+1: :+1:
Seriously great work dude! People like you are keeping Wyze alive. (to our genuine benefit, not being snarky)

This will be the first time I’ve ever followed a Fix-It-Friday this closely.

VOTE! ~ JUNE 7th ~ VOTE!


I’m new to Wyze. What’s the “Fix-it-Friday” event all about and where can I access it?


What @Seapup just posted :arrow_up:

So June 7th should be the next day to be sure to login in and vote to re-fix this issue on the Fix-It-Friday thread in the Wyze News category

:sparkler: :fireworks: :sparkler:
VOTE - JUNE 7th 2024 - VOTE

…and you actually can “vote often” :wink:


Keep an eye out earlier than that though. The last 2 months Jason has posted the event starting a little earlier because he’s finding that helps it to get more participation and submissions than just posting over a single weekend. So he could honestly post it any time now, but voting will almost definitely continue on over the weekend of June 7th. I’m just saying the initial post might come earlier now since it did for the last 2 months with increased participation. :slight_smile:


Who are these people??? Wyze’s Security Teams Reply to this issue we are talking about here. This is scary.

“ Hi,

When did this event occur? Wyze has a cloud retention period of 14 days, after this, videos are deleted. If you wish to retain your videos for longer than this, videos recorded to the SD card are retained for as long as space on the SD card allows.


Wyze Security”

Stellar idea! :+1: :+1:

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It is hard to comment on their reply because you didn’t post what information you sent them. If you told them the entire story as you posted here then I would say their reply
was :cow2: :poop: :poop: :poop:

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