Stolen Camera V3

I gave them the link to this post as well.

Can’t answer the who it was, but the recordings on the uSD card are retained as long as there is room on the card. Once the card is filled (the normal condition after a while), the oldest recordings are deleted to make space for new recordings. Depending on uSD card size, and how much you are recording (events vs continuous), it could be anywhere from a few days up to many months.

Wow no one reads or pays attention these days. The camera was stolen. And you’re talking about getting footage from the SD card. Same crap there security team suggested.

Agree @wxflint. Camera stolen = sdcard stolen. However, I believe the discussion did progress to cloud video recovery which would have been on the sdcard for that 14 day stored window if you are cp+ subscriber. I think most have come to the realization that recovery is most likely a moot point if the camera has been registered to a new account and deleted from the original owner’s account. No back end recovery from Wyze.

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No, I read it very well. I was answering a specific question about how long recordings were saved on the uSD card. Obviously if the camera and uSD card are stolen, you do not have access to that recorded video, but that was not the question.

Every one of my outside cameras is visible from another camera.


Same here.

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yes indeed…

Nice. Unfortunately, all of my cams sit on a window sill. I guess hearing the glass break is my backup notification. :grinning:


You can still use your neighbor’s.

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We’re not that close. I only see them after hurricanes :cyclone:.


Dream on. Most calls to the police about crimes are online reporting and no followup.

This is a serious security issue. I was under the understanding that even if the camera was stolen, we could access the footage as it is stored on he cloud. At-least that how it was advertised in the past. When did this change?
I was never terribly concerned about where the cameras were mounted and if they could be stolen as I had faith that could access the footage from the cloud storage. Apparently this is no longer true and we as consumers were not informed or warned about this. If they did put out any kind of notice about this, it clearly was not enough as now one seemed to know about it.
People keep talking about the MAC address. Not everyone has their MAC address written down. In fact I would lay odds most people have thrown out the box (assuming its on it) and would not have access to the address. Yes some routers may have it in the logs of offline client section, but again, not all routers do this. If its removed from your account, then how do you get it?
This is a serious flaw. I’m sure the response from Wyze would be “its to purchase people buying used cameras” or ones returned to the store. How often is this even a issue? I feel its more of a issue of the cams being stolen.
Wyze need to fix this issue. This also makes the magnetic base a almost useless feature as now you want to make sure you got it screwed down so the camera doesn’t walk off as easily into a thieves hands. In fact for the first time in the years and multiple cams have I actually used this feature and attached the metal washed to use it this way. I just did this a few days ago do a shed pointing at my self serve farm stand under the understanding even if the cam got stolen I can recover the footage from the cloud. Sad to know, all someone has to do is grab the camera and activate it to a other account and the footage is gone, not to mention accessible to the thief. Think about all those cams people install inside their homes and the privacy issues their.
I’m also not to confident in how helpful Wyze would be in these matters either, especially without at least a court order or being served with legal paperwork. By then it could and probably would be too late. Usually the police will not do much without in the very least being very pushy yourself to do something. Some people will just assume they can call them and the magic will happen and they will catch the thief and recover their items. Until you had something stolen and dealt with items being recovered, even track-able items, then you don’t fully realize how useless the police will be in these situations.
Wyze needs to address this issue immediately. This is just anther example why I no longer recommend these cameras as anything more then toys and not for security.


You exactly right, I have sent emails to there security team and support team and they haven’t a clue what I’m talking about. They won’t look into the issue I just get some stupid response like. Check the sd card, open the camera and get the MAC address. These people have no clue what they are doing.



A hobbyist does get a lot of bag for the buck, and I admit to using Wyze cams as a cheap solution for a lot of work stuff that’s “nice to know”, but for critical stuff where money and safety are at stake, we are still installing POE systems.

The new multi cam monitor timeline feature is super nice, but the first 45 sec or so of this video really irked me because he’s comparing tanks and go-carts…

All that said, I think the strongest feature of Wyze cams is this forum.


I bought a v3 a week ago, added it to the app, and decided to postpone that project. The v3 has been unplugged for 2 days yet I am able to get the MAC address from the device info page.

That’s correct. But when the camera is added to another account it will remove it from your account as well as all the cloud data.

Wouldn’t Wyze have that MAC address on file when it was added? And then get the IP of the new install?
Lots of work for naught though.

But what if the user decides to re-setup his camera (but his ISP-assigned IP has changed)? How do you determine that the camera isn’t stolen?

Does Wyze have a way to report stolen cameras?

The isp IP doesn’t matter. The camera only gets removed from your account is you remove it or someone else sets it up on there account at that point it removes from your account with all cloud data that you payed for.