Still cannot connect to my cameras when not on my home WIFI

Just to clarify, a blocklist or other security services on a router/gateway can block IP addresses/ports used by one company and not block the authentication services for others. When services work for other companies, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the router/gateway is not the problem. It could simply be that they are blocking/restricting a specific service or range of addresses that the one company uses. I have seen several blocklists include TUTK IP ranges in their blocklists in the past. I even have a VPN that blocks access to TUTK/Wyze but allows it for several other companies like Eufy because they aren’t using TUTK. It just means the other companies aren’t using the same service for their authentication.

Having said that, I agree that telling people to use a different modem/router/gateway is not a realistic solution for many people. For one thing, there are some ISP’s that require people to use specific hardware, or in some cases, even specific security protections to use their services. So, not only is getting separate hardware not an ideal solution, it may even not be possible for some of them. It also shouldn’t be necessary, particularly because not everybody will be technologically capable of doing what is needed as a workaround. It is often easier for people to just go with another company that doesn’t have their authentication being blocked by security services as you are talking about. That may be the best solution for some people struggling with the issue. Hopefully Wyze will be able to figure out what blocklist is being used by some of these companies and resolve the issue, but for many, it’s been ongoing for so long now that I can totally understand being too frustrated to keep waiting around. I probably wouldn’t wait if my cams hadn’t been working for several months while others have theirs working and having no idea how to resolve it.


Thank you. And totally agree.

I see other comments of multiple long paragraphs that I’m just perplexed on to why and who’s reading all that? Especially when it’s just… I cannot say without getting moderated.

What I can say again: this is a WYZE PROBLEM. PERIOD! Fix it or hire someone who can and will. Everything else is a waste of time. As a PMO, I’d be fired by my client for this.

Ok, sitting down? Haha

I just got a pop up in the app that the new v4 cameras are on sale and free shipping, I ordered 2 to replace the v2s that won’t connect. They’re old and yellow on the sides too. Soooooooo, I will keep you updated next week on connection issues.


Thank you for that honest input.

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If Wyze could just give use some hopeful news about their immediate solution that’d be great.



Totally agree with your input!!

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I just find it curious that I am using an xb7 and if I just power cycle my cams, they work for a period of time on cellular. If the issue is some kind of firewall or blocklist, why does it work for a period of time? I can reliably reproduce this. I don’t have to touch the xb7 or my other router.


Today, there was a Release, (I’m a certified international software tester). I have troubleshooted EVERYTHING, and my cams continue to be offline. This new release introduced a new bug/defect obviously. All was fine until now Release was deployed. Please fix ASAP. I’ve been a customer for more than 5 yrs and I have 6 cameras and pay alot. I pay for 24/7 service. Please provide a discount, since obviously, we’re not receiving 24/7 service. Crimes has risen in area and O NEED MY CAMERAS PLEASE.

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If you are a user of the forum, we all should be open to learning and gathering insight to what this technology is about. Having @carverofchoice forum maven contributing is much more valuable than you may realize. Every post is a script offering information with insider perspective and technical insight.

BTW, I got notice of the sale but did not see free shipping, only $5.99 flat rate shipping. I’m ordering my v4s from Amazon at the same sale price and free prime shipping.

UPDATE: I see the free shipping tag next to the price.


That is interesting. There could be various explanations, but can you clarify what the “period of time” is on average? Are you talking minutes, hours, days, etc? There’s also a chance that there are a few different causes for different people.

The thing I find very telling is that a lot of people using xb7’s (and some xb8’s) are having this problem, and for a lot of them, as soon as they either turn off the security or switch to bridge mode to use a different router, then many of them report that their cameras work normally again. This is a very strong indication of interference somewhere at the local level. Add to that the fact that Wyze has struggled to reproduce it.

My primary hypothesis is that it is related to their custom security feature in some way, but it very well could be something else with gateway. I do not have access to the logs sent to Wyze, nor do I have access to someone with that gateway model to log in to the admin tool and view the local logs (firewall logs, system logs, event logs). I’m hoping someone at Wyze will get ahold of such gateways, reproduce the issue to match the logs on their end and be able to get into the admin tool on the gateways or other hardware to see what’s happening on their end.

I forwarded on some of the above reports to see if this can help them reproduce the issue and match it up with all the logs they’ve received and depending on what it is, maybe they can find some kind of resolution, workaround, etc. Hopefully they CAN actually do something about it. Since it has already been accepted as a high impact issue in Fix-it-Friday, we’ll definitely get a public report on this at some point.

I absolutely hope I am wrong, but from what I am reading on other sites with people who have reproduced AND fixed the issue, my primary GUESS is that the issue is perpetrated locally on modem/router/gateway/DNS, etc. As others found in some of the above links, it appears to be related to blocking the connection to TUTK. Without access to an XT7, and similar hardware to login to myself, my hypothesis is that some security systems or block lists added TUTK to their security blocks back when the recent TUTK CVE’s were released, demonstrating a potential vulnerability concern. In order to protect their users, some of those services that advertise as protecting and preventing against remote access to IoT devices likely added TUTK to their block list. TUTK has since updated their code and released a patch for the now known CVEs, but the timeline of when lots of people started reporting this connection issue lines up almost perfectly with the release of the TUTK CVE concerns.

I hope I am wrong, because if that turns out to be the case, I would not be shocked if Wyze tells people there is little they can do on their end except for complain to their ISP that their security is blocking their remote access to their Wyze cameras, and hope the ISP processes and update to remove TUTK from their ban list since TUTK has posted a patch for the known CVEs.

But again, without me personally logging in to a friend’s XT7 or similar router having that problem to read the local logs myself, I can only hypothesize based on the multiple reports of users who were having the problem and then fixed it. Overwhelming evidence points to the issue being local in one way or another, otherwise those people shouldn’t have been able to resolve it themselves simply by swapping the router or turning off the xFi security blockers.

Still, I am interested in your experience of what you mean by it will work for a period of time. How long?

It is also possible that your issue is separate from that of some other users, depending on the details. For now, I would mostly wait to see what Wyze discovers and publicly discloses to us through the Fix-it-Friday Reports, and then decide what to do from there. By no means do I disagree that the action may be for some people to switch to another company if there is no way to undo the blocking short of getting a different modem/router/gateway. When I had Xfinity, I had so many connection issues with their default equipment that I bought my own stuff online and that resolved a lot of issues I had with them, but that’s not a realistic solution for many people. First we’ll see what Wyze learns and if they can try to do something about it.


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Hate to burst your bubble, but I had a v4 as before going bridge mode on the xb7 and it still had the connection issues. I’ve got: v4, doorbell v2, v3, v2, and cam pan v2 and they all had this issue when using the XB7.

@carverofchoice seems to have a pretty good post that talks about what they think is happening. The only thing I can add from my experience is that the issue with it being blocked is actually not with the ISP since bypassing the XB7 works, thus indicating the issue is likely with the XB7 firmware.

There is another topic here where I have shared my experience and troubleshooting, but in short, I believe it’s an issue with Xfinity firmware and I feel like Wyze support should be collaborating with Xfinity support to see if they can figure this one out.


Key operative words “should be…with Xfinity Support”

If this is true, sounds like Wyze is pointing their finger at Xfinity and Xfinity is pointing their finger back at Wyze. “It’s you!” No, it’s you!”.
Maybe when this finally gets resolved and cams are operating again, Wyze should send us all a free v4 for our troubles, on Xfinity’s dime.

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Seems oddly variable. My cams power cycle every morning at 5am. It is now 3pm and 3 cams work fine on cellular but the other 15 don’t (most with error code -5). I just power cycled them all and now all are working. I’ll do some testing but usually most work for at least 5-60 minutes. My v3 pro just errored out at 5 min. Some cams work longer, but it changes which cams those are. It has been a while since I had my xb7 in bridge mode, but I think my issues persisted with it in bridge mode for what it is worth.

I should also clarify that my cams are not using the wifi provided by the xb7. They are using a seperate mesh wifi connection.


I too was not using the wifi off of the xb7. I even switched out the mesh I had from an Netgear Orbi system to a newer TP Link setup and still the same issue.

Before I went bridge, I disabled the firewall on the xb7 and it resolved this problem. Rather than mess around anymore, I just went bridge and have been fine since.

Maybe try disabling the xb7 firewall if you’ve already got another firewall behind the xb7 with your mesh setup if you want to leave the wifi on the xb7 active. Otherwise going bridge should work if you don’t need the wifi on the xb7.

Edit: keeping in mind if you disable the firewall and have devices on the Xfinity wifi they’ll be directly exposed to the internet.


My challenge is I don’t want to disable the firewall as I have some other IOT devices using the xb7 wifi connection. It is set to low though.


Same thing happened with my mom at her senior citizen home and at my twins home. However, they don’t use Xfinity. So Xfinity is not the issue

A concerned international certified software tester who knows how to troubleshoot,


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Understood as this is also why I had my xb7 wifi on as well. Physical segregation of iot devices.

Ended up just using the guest network on my tplink as a compromise for iot devices since I needed the cameras working.


This was one of my questions from the other thread. If this was just limited to Xfinity hardware or not and I guess it’s not.

What make and model of wifi router do they use? Might be helpful to make a poll to provide to Wyze support of affected hardware.